The sudden influx of anger and frustration in Gabriel's voice startled James and he frowned as Mrs. Cassidy began to wake beside them. Truthfully, the young doctor didn't think she was coherent enough to realize what she was hearing, but James didn't argue as he followed Gabriel out into the corridor. It was quiet out there, the hallway mostly empty as there weren't many patients in the VIP ward. A person, or that person's family needed to have a lot of money to even get a bed on that floor, and not many could afford it. Those were the people that James wanted to be helping, not people like Hannah. Although she had done nothing wrong, and couldn't help being sick, the blonde didn't wish to be indirectly threatened by her husband for not wanting to move the surgery up. Without interrupting, James listened closely to Gabriel's paranoid explanation of the accidents that had happened around the hospital. He agreed that it sounded suspicious, but he wasn't going to be scared off by the reach of Jack's power, and he still thought it was wrong to change the surgery time. Part of him was skeptical of the whole thing, thinking that the other man was just trying to scare him, haze him a bit as a way of welcoming him to the hospital. However, the serious look on Gabriel's face told a different story; he was serious. James had spent too much time being manipulated by people, and he was still reluctant to comply. “I am a good guy,” James agreed, “but I'm still not going to do your dirty work. If you're so afraid of him, you go make the arrangements and then you won't have anything to worry about.” Perhaps it was a little cold for James to not take Gabriel's admission seriously, but he wouldn't be guilted into going back on his decision. At this point, he would have looked weak and ans indecisive to change his mind and on top of that, he didn't want to break Elizabeth's husband's heart more than it already was. He wasn't that type of person. Shaking his head, James handed over the file with a sigh. “Look,” he began, “I don't think you're a bad guy, and I really don't think Cassidy is going to have you killed for making him wait, but you do what you have to. I'm just not going to play errand boy.” He was in this business to help people, not hurt them, and at some point, it was clear that Gabriel had lost his way. Maybe he needed to be reminded that he had taken an oath to do no harm, an oath that shouldn't have come with a price. This suicide story sounded ridiculous and although James knew how someone with money could get away with it, he didn't think it was entirely plausible in a hospital of this size.