[Img]http://i.imgur.com/G4Upteo.png [/img] [Img]http://i.imgur.com/H13183R.png[/img] [B][u] Cuttersbury: Off to Drych Lake Spa! [/u][/b] During the walk to the spa, there were multiple times Nani grimaced and covered her ears. "Bloody- Wouldja stop asking that! Sheesh I'm gonna send you to Davy Jones the next time-" She turned completely, this time frowning at her bird. "Don't you dare start mister." He stopped thankfully and flew back to Nani's shoulder. In the time they weren't being annoyed, she did get to see some cool weapons like Estelle's fire blade. She even got to show off her own sword, and explain that she also used her fists when the time called for it. When it finally got silent on their trip, she looked around and scratched her head. "So what's a Varren anyway-" As soon as she asked, the ground escaped from under her and she ended up on her butt, looking up at Cap who was flying over the collapsed group. She maneuvered to her feet and dusted herself off. Her attention immediately went to the creatures in shredded clothing. "So that's a Varren, eh? Don't see those during sea travel... Then again there isn't much earth around. Alright, so get rid of these vermin? Got it!" She pulled her cutlass out and deflected a few rocks that were thrown their way. As excitable and as reckless as she could be, Nani did have sense when it came to serious matters. One jumped in her direction with claws at the ready, but she managed to block that as well. She was stuck at a stand still for a moment, holding her blade in order to block the various quick clawed attacks. "You know, you're pretty tough." Nani kept her footing and so did the Varren, both now attempting to push the other back with their weapons. "Heh, but I'm a pirate. We tend to cheat- just a little." Not like the Varren knew what she was saying, it only tried to knock her down and attack then attack. What it didn't expect was Nani to move her head and talons to scratch its eyes. "Good job Cap! Now go up there and stay safe. Don't need an injured bird." The bird squawked and flew up to a nearby tree in order to watch. Just as Nani was about to end the creature, it scrambled into the ground for safety. "Blimey! These things are fast. What? Do they have some type of vendetta against people?" She asked loud enough for someone to answer, not really caring who did.