[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/wb2xht.jpg[/img][/center] He thanked the Gods for Risa's suggestion and hoped that Luro and the captain would agree. Nolan smiled though it revealed a hint of nervousness. "I couldn't agree more. Flying sounds a lot more interesting than all of this." He would have wrinkled his nose in distaste, but Luro and Ray seemed to enjoy the whole tavern scene so he simply nodded his head. "I bet the Coral Pearl is just waiting for you to see it, Luro—nodon'tdothat." From out of Nowhere Alicia appeared and out of all the things she decided to do, she challenged Shouta to a fight. Why was everyone so reckless? Nolan sighed, but figured [i]this[/i] was what he had signed up for when he had chosen a pirate's life. "Aren't we going to, uh, stop her?" He looked at Danny his partner in crime? No, more like partner in inexperience. It didn't look like anyone was going to stop this, so he prayed it wouldn't end with someone stabbed or with a broken nose. This Shouta guy was drunk, so maybe it would be a quick fight. And it was quick fight, but it wasn't what he had expected. Alicia's sword was snapped in half like it was nothing, and the usually stoic woman had run out of the tavern with tears in her eyes. He let out a sigh and hopped off his stool. Nolan didn't know her well, but she was a fellow Stardusk Pirate and he'd feel bad if he didn't check on her. His little brothers and sisters called him a 'mother duck' for a reason, and even Annie agreed with them. "Hey, captain, I'm going to head outside and check on her. I'll be there if you need anything." Nolan walked out the doors and looked for Alicia. He walked up to her but didn't talk for some time. "Alicia?" He spoke carefully. If she wanted to be alone then he would give her some space. "I'm sorry about your sword." He took a couple of steps forward. "Do you want some company out here? I understand if you want to be alone," he tried to diffuse some of the tension, "but I wouldn't mind staying away from a bunch of drunk brawlers either."