“Another dead-end, Two. I expected better from you.” Abby stared down at the Pikachu, his expression unreadable but missing his characteristic cocky grin. The object of his scrutiny fidgeted nervously before shrugging. “Well, it’s all hearsay. We don’t know anything,” he said. Abby sighed and rubbed his forehead in exasperation. The Pancham had not provided him with anything of use: though she was nice enough, she knew nothing of the mysterious loss of Abby’s parents nor about the individual behind the strange things going on in the multiverse lately. Why his sources had thought someone so young and lost herself would know anything, he wasn’t sure, but he trusted them completely. They would never do anything to purposefully misguide him, so he took a second to let his tension pass. It was an honest mistake, anyone could make it. It took a moment, but when he reopened his eyes, his smirk had returned. “Ah, it’s fine, just keep your eyes open. I know you won’t fail me.” He ruffled the tip of his friend’s ear for a moment, and got a twitch and a blush in return. “Hey, stop it, M,” Two exclaimed, pulling away and flicking at his ear himself until he regained his composure. “Not cool, man, not cool.” “Still not used to those ears? How long is it going to take?” “I preferred to have a spike, man. This straight stuff cramps my style.” Two returned to the Abra and placed his head in his lap, gazing out from the Mystery Dungeon’s entrance into the woods outside. A minute of comfortable silence stretched between them until Abby stretched and shifted enough to get Two off of him, eventually standing and wrapping his cape back around his neck as he prepared to leave. “Tell me if anything comes up. I’ll go see to our visitors and see what I can there,” Abby said, shooing the Pikachu back into the darkness.