Gabe, cracking open the Soda he took a long drink, letting the coolness and caffine work as he watched Katherin write out on the overhead. so there were twelve all together, but not twelve were there now, so some were missing he thought to himself. then hearing about how Katherin had said she tested herself and found she couldnt die. Gabe sighed and nodded. [b]"it might mean nothing concidering i house Death but i should be dead two dozen times over. i've been stabbed, shot, beaten"[/b] he took a moment to think. [b]"ran over twice, neck snapped, throat cut.. i can go on but."[/b] he shrugged. [b]"the point is, i heal almost instantly and walk away from it, so if im not the only one that can do that, because i carry Death inside of me then its safe to assume that all of us are immortal"[/b] he rubbed his empty hand on his leg. [b]"maybe."[/b] he added.. there was a way, possible that they could die, and it was if he touched them.. anyone thats come into contact with his bare skin had died instantly, like life had been sucked right out of them. [i]"ah, dont focus on that, they deserved it.. well most of them that kind old lady at the bus station still had a good ten years left, but not anymore huh?"[/i] the voice said, and Gabe focused on ignoring it, that wasnt his fault.. none of it was his fault, she.. she shouldnt have grabbed his arm.