Erion had been walking for a while now, having passes a man that felt a bit weird. He just did not know why.... He also felt like something was brewing not too far, but he knew full well that it might be a bad idea to go see. He continued to walk, going to the front of the forest, before staring up. He wanted to go up and climb, but he knew full well how that might end up. Once before he climbed up too much and had been stuck in a tree for a hour until he was able to get a better grip. He had been like a cat in a tree.... and that was ridiculous. That dang wild sensation.... it was probably his dang fox ears and such wanting him to act wild. He then looked back towards where he came from, and kept having a nagging feeling that he had to go look what was happening. He was too curious and intrigued. What could be happening back there. He moved towards where he came from, thinking about it. This town had been so weird ever since they got there. Rumors of strange sighing and such.... A town that could be considered like a town full of mystery and myths. He breath deeply, before looking at a distance towards a old warehouse. His parents had told him that this place was too weird, that they had slightly already enough of him having those fox ears and tail for weirdness, but they knew they had to stay here. The government would not just go and try to get Erion here: There were much more weird things then Erion, so why would they need him anyway? Seriously, he heard of creatures flying in the night sky, kidnapping people. Nothing of the case had happened near Erion's place though. It seemed as if any weird things did not want to get to him. As he moved forwards, his fox ears perked up under his bandana, hearing something about demons and such. He looked at the other guy from before, and moved to the other side of the werehouse door, hiding and giving a sign to stay quiet. He looked and listened more, hearing more about what the demons were saying, how they had been possessing people. Erion shivered a bit from that, before hearing about the profits they were making from this so called demon repellant. He wanted to act, but knew full well that if he did, he might get beaten up, but he did not have any weapons or anything. He looked at the other guy. He seriously was thinking about waiting that those guys would leave, talk to that other guy first and then fallow those demons from a distance maybe, trying to find a time to strike. He just did not know when that would come.