[quote=McHaggis] Since the site's been down I've been saving up on my character sheet for Kali *cracks knuckles* I also discovered like 50-zillion grammatical mistakes in Malik's so as a supposed English Lit student (next year) I should be taken out and shot.Oh and Percival's such a cutie. Or maybe I'm just biased for the Misha Collins? [/quote] You're just being biased because it's Misha Collins. ;) I'll respond more when I get off work tonight but I have another character done and ready to post and uh... Gotta work on that writing sample, er, and a third, mostly side character that's related to my second character and I'm stopping myself there because I will ramble on my phone with a lot of weird grammatical errors and autocorrect typos. >_> So yeah, expect more rambling to read when I get home! XD And I used to hat bios but that and personalities are more favorite parts. Also written descriptions that I plan on editing into my CSes when I get everything done and ready. Ugh, I just needed to say something because I've been waiting forever to. ;_; But I've already taken forever and I'm at work nao. D: EDIT: it's boring here and I have paper... Which means I only have one thing to do to fill the time. Haha , take that boring night job. >:O (Minus sulking over missing a brand new episode of my favorite show and not being able to watch my recorded episode of TWD ;_;)