The formation of the UN, the end of the Cold War. These were two events amongst many that we thought would bring about a new era of international cooperation and stability. A era of peace, a era of growth. A chance for the nations of the Earth to grow and prosper together. A chance to end the constant death of innocents, to stop the wars that were pissing contests between the great powers that resulted in so much destruction. That peace was not set to last. It first started with the various terrorists attacks, to the well known 9/11 attacks, or to the lesser known attacks in the UK by the IRA, or Irish Republican Army. The nations of the worlds responded aggressively to these attacks, going so far as to invade countries to remove these terrorists. With these threats know present much more began happening. The violence of years long past started up again. But the worse had yet to happen. Tensions once began rising between the powers of the worlds. Old ideological conflicts arose, and fights began happening once again. The 2000s saw the world devolving more and more into a crapsack. Governments rushed, enacting new laws to attempt stop this, but it was hopeless. The world was slider further and further into the drain, no hope of ever achieving the peace that it once had. With the various economic troubles it seemed things would not approve. Worst was the spying, as Governments began spying on their citizens, gathering as much data as possible. Many feared that George Orwell's nightmarish world in 1984 was coming about, realizing a potential and likely path was a world full of police-states, a world without freedoms. In the end however was not the spying, not the economic troubles, nor the recent outbreaks of the E Coli bacteria over in Africa. It was the tensions between the powers, tensions that lead to the unthinkable, a WW3. It was the hugest and most destructive clash ever seen by humanity, and it was truly a world war, unlike the past two were it was relegated to a few theaters scattered across Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was global, almost every nation was involved in some way shape or form. Massive amounts of firepower were unleashed, as the UN dissolved amongst the chaos. Nations forgot the Geneva Conventions of the past, going so far as to strike civilians with chemical and biological weapons in a dirty attempt to gain the upper-hand in there battles. However the worst possibility was avoided, as no nuclear exchange happened, leaving the world semi-intact. This war began in 2023, ending finally in 2033, on February 20th. It is currently February 20th, 2035. Anarchy and chaos has spread since the end, but a few nations have held intact, in fact a few nations have grown, uniting together as wholes to fight other perceived or real threats, or to try to end the madness. Welcome to the Torn World. Torn World is Post WW3 NRP, we will start on January 1st, 2036. History of player nations is completely decided by them, in fact what happened during the war and in the year after is all player decided. Besides the UN collapse, loss of most international law, and a economic crash for the US, you can decide the rest. The Rules 1.Your typical RP Rules. No Godmodding, power-playing, etc. 2.Follow all guild rules as well 3.[url=]I AM THE LAW[/url] 4.Do not start arguments in OOC over the RP. Instead PM the person with me added so I can make a final decision. If its not related to the RP then I do not want to be a part of it. 5.My ruling and decisions aren't always the best, if you have a problem with them PM me about it. 6.Do not just invade and conquer, nations do under diplomacy things besides conquering things. App Format and Guidelines/Posting Guidelines 1.I will not enforce political realism. This means you can make the deep south not racist or making the Western World celebrate socialism. 2.Not everything you decide to annex can be taken peacefully. Some has to be taken by force. 3.5-6 Sentences per a post, not counting diplomacy posts. App itself Nation App Name of Nation:(Obvious) Territories:(What your nation controls) Government Type:(How your government operates) Military:(Describe its branches and general technological level, you don't need to go into super-detail) Economy:(Type of economy and sources of income) Foreign Policy:(How your nation usually responds to diplomacy) History:(Obvious) Foes:(Factions or other nations your nation hates) Population:(Population) Other:(Anything else) Group App For those who do not want to play as a nation Name of Group:(Obvious) Type:(Is it some type of company or a terrorist cell?) Assets:(What its controls, you can include land in this but don't make it to big, your not a country after all.) Personnel:(Amount of people employed or in the group) History:(Obvious) Foes:(Same as nation) Nation Dump where I post accepted nations: