Name of Nation: Asian Federation Territories:Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, North Korea, China, Mongolia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka, Burma Government Type: Presidential Democratic Federation. The Government is divided into 3 Branches, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branch. While this may seem similar to the US in actuality the system is very different. The Legislative only contains the Congress, which contains a 1000 seats. The voting districts are dived equally by population, using a split-line method. The Legislative votes upon laws, laws can either be purposed by someone within the congress, Executive Council, or the President himself. The Executive branch consists of the Executive Council and President. The Executive Council is responsible for maintain any new government offices setup by laws or themselves. The Executive Council is decided by whatever method a nation when joining chooses, but each country only gets two. The President can veto laws, all though this can be overturned by a 2/3 vote of the congress, and appoints judges for approval by the Congress. He also acts as a political and diplomatic figurehead. All citizens over 18 may vote for a presidential candidate, votes are direct, and no middleman exists. The Judicial Branch consists of smaller courts to handle issues between member nations, and the High Court who may overturn laws if the violate rights given to citizens. Military:The military of the Asian Federation uses the most up-to-date technology as possible, using there massive funding from containing some of the world's biggest economies as well as a technological think-tank developed from some of the greatest minds from Japan. It is also quite large, mainly due to the massive population of the Asian Federation. The Navy currently services many ships, as well as a few Super-carriers. All Dreadnoughts and bigger are equipped with laser-guns for anti-air and anti-drone roles, as well as rail-gun for anti-armor purposes, super-carriers are mostly equipped with VTOL super-sonic bombers and fighters. Submarines are also used. The Air-force makes heavy use of VTOL super-sonic bombers and fighters, as well as having a decent arsenal of attack-helicopters. All bombers use napalm in their payloads. The Air-Force also operates a few sub-orbital bombers equipped with Kinetic Tungsten Rods, and two kinetic bombardment satellites equipped with tungsten rods, named DRAGON-1 and DRAGON-2 respectively. The Army uses up-to-date equipment, and contains a few exo-skeletons for use by soldiers. While most tanks use a standard payload a few have rail-gun mounts but these tanks are large and aren't often deployed due to logistics. One of the most advanced parts of the Army's arsenal is a sattlite network linked into every soldier's helmet, giving update battlefield information at all times. A nuclear arsenal is maintained with submarine, bomber, and ICBM-based nukes. Despite this nukes have not been put into space, as the Asian Federation military feels it would accelerate current conflicts or lead to a nuclear war. Economy:The Asian Federation is a capitalist economy, however water, power, and cable/internet/phone companies are government controlled to make sure these essential utilities are well cared for. The Asian Federation primarily exports various consumer goods, and as begun exporting other industrial goods such as machines and tools, due to the massive industrial base that has been developed over the years. The Asian Federation as begun to make a effort at using it's natural resources while still remaining environmentally friendly, but certain resources still have to be exploited. Also of note is that the Asian Federation has replaced most of the power generation with Nuclear Power Plants. Foreign Policy:The policy of the Asian Federation usually focuses on maintaining peaceful relations and trading, however they do have some heavy-interventionist policies, mainly in the form that they do not like it when basic human rights are violated, and will often intervene to end this. They will also back their allies heavily, assuming what the ally needs does not violate their policies. History:The Asian Federation was formed in 2017, encompassing Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Vietnam. This was mainly out of a fear for the Chinese Dragon and their increasing aggression in establishing dominance over Asia. The Asian Federation and China however clashed very early on, as China was quoting as saying "Chinese Taipei is a integral territory of the PRC, and this illegal occupation by the so called Asian Federation will be not tolerated", luckily however the UN despite China's influence prevented a full on war between the AF and China. This period also saw heavy development in Taiwan and Vietnam with both living standards and industry, as the Asian Federation wanted to help develop this area and they feared possible trade restrictions from China. Despite China being against the Asian Federation they did find a ally, in the form of the United Kingdom. A defensive pact was first signed and then later a full on military alliance. The UK also boldly declared support for AF on the matter of Taiwan, a UK official was even quoted as saying "The people of Taiwan prefer the Asian Federation, thus China has no claim beyond greedy oligarchic want for the Island". Later when Hong Kong wanted to return to the Administration of the United Kingdom rather then the increasingly oppressive China, the AF also declared support for the UK on the matter. China faced further problems as democratic protests starting spreading up from Hong Kong and on to the mainland. With the outbreak of WW3 a war was not started between China and the AF right away, but they were extremely close to it. The UK began moving forces to help the AF in-case of problems. Malaysia and Brunei entered into the AF a year after WW3 started, out of fear of new Imperialist powers rising. The Asian Federation helped developed them, as well as they began building up their military, preparing for total war with China. However as China was militarizing democratic protest became farther and farther widespread, causing full on problems for China. The UK and AF made a plan, and launched one of the biggest military invasions in history as the declared war on China, wanting to finally end the giant. North Korea under a new arrogant leader attempted to invade SK, but failed due to a much superior force stationed there. North Korea was occupied for this reason as the Asian Federation began trying to finally removed the influence that the leaders of NK had placed over the people for so many years. The war with China went rather well, as the UK focused on the South while the AF invaded up into Manchuria and hit Beijing hard. While China put up a good fight it could not face both the invasion as well as the protests, which had devolved into full on revolt. Mid-way through the war China was defeated, as the AF allowed the UK to take Hong Kong and the AF occupied China. More subtle propaganda was used in attempts to push Asian Unity onto the Chinese , but beyond that the people of China were treated well, with limited democracy introduced through the various phases of the occupation. When the occupation ended a referendum was held, and the Chinese people voted overwhelmingly to join the AF. Careful planning during the invasion preserved the industrial base of China, as the AF used it to improved living standards in China. India joined the AF, deciding it as the best option for the future of India. Smaller countries surrounding India joined the AF as well, including Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. The AF did the usual with them, and began merging the economies, having the largest in the world at this point. All of the other current members of the AF at this point had devolved into human abusing dictatorships. As the AF had grown to represent democratic ideals and human rights they invaded these, and occupied them. Using similar methods as during the Chinese occupation these countries were brought into the Federation. With the end of WW3 The Asian Federation had established it self as one of, if not the most, powerful countries in the world. They are a industrial and economic powerful, as well as possessing a large military. Their research also progresses fast as well, developing new technologies to combat new problems. Foes:European Consolidation: Allied with the United Kingdom, and considers EC control of the Isles a illegal occupation Any countries that violate basic human rights. Population:2.9 billion, estimated to reach 3 billion soon. Other:(Anything else) WIP WIP WIP