Name of Nation:The European Consolidation Territories:Germany,France,Spain,Portugal,Italy,Switzerland,British Isles,Belgium,Netherlands,Luxembourg,Denmark Government Type:Dictatorship/Monarchy. Capital: Officallly:London. Unoffically:Mountain Base in Switzerland Flag: [img=] Military: While the military isn't as large as some other nations. It is definitely the most advanced in terms of technology. Economy:Being in Europe with the oldest countries under one flag they have the farm lands of France,Spain and Italy. It has the trade areas of Portugal,Netherlands and the UK. They also have the power of slave labor. They event recent gained the might of the German Industry matched with the other western powers tech. Foreign Policy: History:The Europeon Consolidation was formed after the break down of peace talks. They knew no country was safe as a single independent land. So one man by the name of Jame's Austerlitz brought a solution to the EU. That all of the Western European powers unite in order to stand up against the terrorists. While most countries such as England and France were easily brought in. Germany remembers the days of the Fuhrer decided not to go down that path and left. After small battles on the eastern front the EC forces pushed inland to gain land and Denmark before peace was declared. Foes:(Factions or other nations your nation hates) Population:359 Million people. Other: Head of State: Jame's Austerlitz Head of Military: Keplur Von Stef Head of Intelligence: Lepkin Neoro Head of Foreign Affairs: Kathy Grets