[b]Liam catches Samson[/b] Was it even possible for the horses to escape in such a way? By biting the straps? Had he knows the straps tying them to the wagon were of such a low quality, he would have told the rest that the horses were trying to escape, but by the Gods, how was he supposed to know? Minutes he spend planning how to track the horses. It would have taken days, if not for the moment in which Aramir burst from the treeline--Huge, heavy draft horse on her tail. "What the-?!" Ears perking up and tail stiffening, Liam exclaimed in surprise. In no time, Samson, the horse, had gone into camp all crazy and in panic. Wasting no time, Liam climbed atop the wagon. Then in a smooth movement, he dropped onto Samson's back. A bright flare of pain rose up from his crotch, yet he dared ignore it as best as he could. For seconds, he only let out groans and grunts as he took a hold of Samson and made the animal stop bucking. When Samson tired himself out and was calm enough to be still, Liam dropped from the back of the animal, face scrunched up to show his discomfort. He limped one step and fell onto his butt, both hands placed over his groin. A long, low whine was all he let out as his tail thrashed wildly. "M... My beautiful kits..." He whispered in a ragged tone.