Hello there. I'm glad to find someone who shares like minded opinions in regards to portraying both genders comfortably. I cringe when people can't try a bit harder to expand their skills. I'm mostly interested in the plethora of fandoms you listed. I would make a disclaimer and say I stick to canons and prefer my partners to do the same. It's rare I want to mix OCs and canons and even more rare to just do all OCs (in my mind, what's the point?). The following would interest me, depending on the relationships (romance, friendship, etc whatever) we focus on and roles, plots etc. Harry Potter Doctor Who Sherlock Holmes (RDJ) Broadchurch Orphan Black Orange is the new Black Iron Man The Big Bang Theory Men in Black Hunger Games Zombieland The Devil Wears Prada Divergent They are listed in no particular order, again they'd depend on the characters/plot.