[center][b][u]Prologue[/b][/u] The inhabitants of the world Legaia were once a simple people and while the world at large was very aware, that such things as magic and the supernatural existed, it was a power that many would never witness. It seemed magic was natural to only a select few individuals, humans that could use the very essence of their hearts to manipulate magic. Though normally they were only a bit stronger, faster, and more capable than everyone else, there were some whom were able to manipulate vast quantities of magic. They came to be called the Kabel. Unlike other magic users, their bond with magic was so great, it could be used to generate a weaponized manifestation of the heart, called the keyblade. Using the power of their great magic, some Kabel wreaked havoc wherever they pleased, while others took apprentices, choosing to pass on their magic legacy. Eventually there was an uprising of individuals, who began to seek ways to obtain sources of otherworldly power similar to the Kabel. If this was possible, others could be granted abilities which could change the world for the better. When searching for new alternatives for magical manipulation, the Kabel revealed to Legaia, that the solution was seru. Seru were strange entities that originated from the dark continent, Cubia Beta. This was the area of the world that was forsaken, haven been struck by a huge earthquake that many millenia before, ripped the earth asunder and revealed seru from beneath Legaia’s crust. Afterward they spread among the lands. Often considered monsters, these creatures were made of both biological and magical essence. It was quickly realized that, by bonding with a seru, a normal human being could control magic instantly, drawing out forces which could be used for virtually anything. It wasn’t long before experimentation began, both on humans and seru, expanding upon what was known and what wasn’t; experimentations were performed to figure out what seru caused what magical abilities, or which seru could be used with human labor to power machines. As years continued to pass, magic, seru and experimentation all became a part of life, In future generations there were even those whom were born with an enhanced magical prowess from their parents previous exposure to the seru’s essences, some being nearly as powerful as the original Kabel. Whilst centuries of experimentation, research, and manipulation of magic, were used to gain a greater understanding of the bio-magical process that allowed humans to bond with seru, there was still so much that had yet to be explained. The true nature of Seru and magic was still a complexity that wasn’t fully understood. Ironically during this time, a seru technician named Ombro Nious, made the monumental discovery of the Seru Kai, another world that existed within the boundaries of Legaia, yet was outside of human reach. Unlike the material plane where physical beings can exist, the Seru Kai is a world filled with pure magic, an immaterial plane in itself, having no place for beings that are of the physical nature. Ombro’s findings lead to the development of a technique called “diving”, where seru were hooked up to machines which could breech the impassible wall between the two worlds by simulating a seru’s death. This process caused a seru to evolve into much more advanced versions of their former selves, thus producing much larger, more potent forms of magic. All major operations thus revolved around using the power of the Seru, which were either sold for profit, used for daily chores, or used militaristically. Seru had a symbiotic relationship with humans and instinctually obeyed them, causing humans to depend on them in every aspect of their lives. As such, Legaia began to flourish during this time, and this newfound advancement in seru-technology gave rise to the Karisto, Sol, and Drake kingdoms. 1000 years later, the dependence on Seru became the undoing of humanity's prosperity, as their powers awakened greed, depravity, and other evil desires in humans. The Karisto Kingdom and the Sol Kingdom were at war with one another, over control of Uru Mais; Uru Mais being the only place in the world that spawned new seru life forms. The Drake Kingdom stayed neutral, as it had always been the least technologically advanced areas on Legaia. Many methods were used by both sides to try and achieve victory in war, with Seru being the primary tools of warfare. After ten years of war, Conkram's prince, Cort, managed to discover a way to dramatically amplify the strength of his nation's Seru. He began using an elixir, from a substance called Mist that spewed forth from the extradimensional realm of the Seru Kai. The Mist ended up going haywire during a test demonstration in Karisto’s capital Conkram, causing the Seru to go berserk upon contact with it and those wearing Seru to turn into monsters with a taste for human flesh. Although the outbreak was suppressed by unknown travelers equipped with mist immune seru, and the Mist project ordered terminated by Conkram's king, Cort and many of Conkram's ruling body saw it as a means to conquer the entire globe. They’d found a piece of a Rogue fragment; a piece of a extradimensional Seru mutant, left in Conkram after the outbreak. That Rogue fragment gave Cort incredible knowledge and awakened within him an insatiable lust for power. Over the next two years Cort and Conkram's Four Wise Men conspired against the king and queen and built Mist Generators in all three kingdoms of Legaia, before putting on artificially created Seru of their own and activating the Mist Generators. The mist not only caused a global crisis, it also allowed three new otherworldly species to gain physical access to Legaia, which increased danger, fear and panic. Each of these new species named, heartless, nobodies and unversed were just as big a threat as seru. Legaia had been hit with an apocalypse, pushing the world into a dark age where terror of the mist defined life. As the Mist spread throughout Legaia, more and more Seru went berserk, and more and more monsters spawned. In less than a year's time the majority of Legaia's human population was wiped out, giving rise to even larger numbers of the three species from another world. For those in the places heavily affected by the mist, time came to a standstill. Humans bonded with seru inside of the mist don’t age, As such, the world continued to descend into a deeper darkness, with only few remaining in desolate areas scattered throughout the world. The followers of the Mist plan to force those who survived to succumb to the Mist as well. Cradle of Hope It has been 14 years since the Mist Crisis changed the face of the world, but there is still a glimmer of hope. In this apocalyptic time, humans with hearts strong enough can forge these mythical weapons of wonder into existence at an alarming rate. This has spawned a completely new generation of keybladers. Rumors of the legendary Ra-Seru bonding with chosen individuals have been surfacing, giving those who can still fight, more hope for the future. Legend has it that the Ra-Seru were born of the Genesis Trees; holy trees that were a gift from Legaia’s God, Tieg. In a time of great darkness, the Ra-Seru heroes and their allies are fated to work together and revive the Genesis Trees, ridding the world of the Mist forever. This is a role play based on the Legend of Legaia, that has been mixed with influences from the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Below, information and details about the mechanics of the rp will be explained. We'll all be magic using keybladers, but there are special spots open for those whom wish to be a Ra-Seru Hero. If you want one of these spots, please send me a private message for further details than what will be explained in the information section. Shout out to a guild friend for the revamped information that’ll be given and parts of the intro.[/center] [Hider=Information]Keyblades The keyblades origin all fall back to the great magical essence of the Kabel. The ones we wield now are mere fragments and pieces of what was once a much grander essence. So, ultimately they aren't in the same category as the grand weapons of heart used by the Kabel.(You won't see us cutting buildings in half and slamming them into a giant nobody dragons lol.) Access to them is not gone, its assumed they are currently lost to naught, but the truth is we don't know about the special ones(the original three) and ultimately they will make their return. You just don't know when, so don't make claims to know when until I drop the biggest hint ever. Keychains Keychains are a physical extension of one's heart, and serve as a modifier of the keyblade that your character possesses, and ultimately changes the appearance, and comes with a single alternate ability attached. You're basically holding two, the original appearance of your keyblade, and its single modifier. Us at the beginning are unable to physically remove the keychain and see what our primary keyblade looks like, so they ultimately only appear in two standard forms. Reclaiming keyblades/Borrowing Just because you don't have a keyblade, doesn't mean you’re totally defenseless. If you have to fight with a normal weapon against someone, you can beat them; Sora fighting with a wooden sword after loosing his to Riku is an example, our keyblades are just a few steps above a "wooden sword" because they aren't as powerful as the chosen three. Our abilities and strengths are augmented with just a slight abnormal enhancement. Keyblades can be lent to another, and they exchange it to their possession, willingly, but they still own it and at any time can call it back. This nature is because the heart shares acceptance and kindness and still attaches them to said keyblade. However in the case that one keyblader should 'expire' while their keyblade is loaned, the current holder will become the wielder of said keyblade. Since you have two keychains, loosing your keyblade in a battle, doesn't mean your powerless. As you fight with a different weapon, the other keychain you still have will influence its abilities into the weapon you're currently using. In time that weapon, showing the strength of your heart can/will eventually become a keyblade. For the heart is the true key, and the keyblade merely the tool to express the heart's essence. Magic Magic is ultimately spread into many fields, used in aggressive formats and passive protection. Most commonly seen in elemental spells, summons, defense spells, physical affliction spells, curative spells, light spells, dark spells and physical strikes containing said forces. Keyblades act as a conduit to channel magic and produce it. Magic's recoil is that it can't be used in excess. Magic Spells/Magic Skills Point System Each character will be allotted 25 points which can be used for spells and skills in their character sheet. Spells and Skills in their original state, only cost a single point. IE: Fire, or Thunder Kick. As the tier increases, so does the point cost for each level up, with a maximum of six points being used on a single spell or skill. Since we’ll be using Kingdom Hearts mechanics, spells and skills should normally have a suffix after them, which are explained below. Lv.2 - ara, Lv.3 - aga, Lv.4 - asa, Lv.5 - aja, Lv.6 - axa. At maximum level, spells and skills cost a lot more magical essence, but can cause great great amounts of damage or spectacular effects. I can’t assume you are all familiar with how this works, so I’ll give two examples below. Thunder>Thundara>Thundaga>Thundasa>Thundaja>Thundaxa. or Fire>Fira>Firaga>Firasa>Firaja>Firaxa You can make up your own spells and skills, just keep in mind the power system. You can also forgo the suffix with certain skills and merely name the skill level. Note Stop, Flare, Quake, Meteor, Holy(5 points) Jihad, Ultima(7 points) Any variation of these spells or skills involving them will cost the same. You can spend 3 points to level these forbidden spells to a second, stronger version. Abilities In this rp, abilities work by imbuing our characters with enhancements that assist in various ways. Such abilities often are used in conjunction with magic. Our abilities explain how we can do all these pretty unusual techniques and recoveries. But we can't go above and beyond because we're ultimately just human beings enhanced by magic.[/Hider][Hider=The Ra-Seru]Ra-Seru These are the legendary seru, being sentient beings of great power in Legaia. Originally from the Seru Kai, the Ra-Seru slept inside Legaia's Genesis Trees in preparation for a holy mission to save the human race in time of great peril. Originally dormant inside the seemingly dead Genesis Trees, the Mist sweeping throughout Legaia causes the Ra-Seru to join with select human beings of compassion that have the desire to save the world from the brink of destruction. Ra-Seru look like stone figures, , and most Ra-Seru are quite small, being about the size of a small hand or a forearm. However, they are able to grow in size and change their shape by harnessing power from the bond between Ra-Seru and human. Most Ra-Seru have a jewel fixed within its body. Some have bodies that are horizontally shaped and some are vertically built, but all Ra-Seru have a glossy shine. The Ra-Seru correspond to different elements found throughout nature, yet all have a higher manipulation of elemental control, usually with other forces blended in. There are, seven known Ra-Seru. Meta(fire) - reserved by Alternate Tundra. Ozma(lightning) Terra(wind) - reserved by Piercing Light Palma(earth) - reserved Mule(water) Horn(light) - reserved Jedo(darkness)[/hider][Hider=Combat System] This will clear out any type of bugs in actual fight posts in the RP, from beating someone into submission with a keyblade or other substitute weapon, to the idea that they've been locked by spells, or to the extent their magic spells can effectively damage someone. Melee Melee is in the sense, where there will be mild powerplay. You won't always be able to block or dodge EVERY SINGLE ATTACK. Be mindful that if your keyblades make impact, even slightly, there still is a pushing force from the other's physical strength onto the other. Plus if you’re clever you can use a stalemate of two keys to your advantage. The closer you are to your opponent, the harder it is to dodge and/or block. So if your doing melee, be prepared to take a possible beating. If you win or loose, you will both at some point have gotten hit physically. Magic Here is where we get creative and cast a string of spells. Remember, magic has a limit where we can't use it. There will be no immediate spell after three consecutive ones. Realistically so much can happen in the time your vulnerable to physical attacks and magic attacks. For magic, depending on the kind of attack, you really can't avoid it very easily. Damage should be taken in best respects to the extent of the attack, just as spell casting times should be realistic to the spell tier, unless otherwise influenced by a keyblade ability or magic ability.[/hider][hider=Character Sheet]Name (Apparently this is the name that your parents gave to you at birth. Make it something creative and not blatantly stupid please.) Age (This is really friggin simple if you ask me . How old are you??) Gender (Uh durr, do you have guy parts, or girl parts??) Appearance (You gotta look like something right?? Anyway, you may use a picture, but either way, you must also have at least 2 decent paragraphs of description to go with it. Also if you Do use a picture, post it in a spoiler, or a link. We don’t wanna see huge pics across the page.) Personality (How we act,view things. The idealism of who we are and why. Post yours here. Two paragraphs will suffice, but you could impress me and go further.) Ra-Seru (Only if your character is bonded with one. Ask me for details.) Abilities (Here we go!!! Yes you can all have powers, though keep in mind that this is far beyond the years of the original KH games and nobody is seriously uber powerful. And no you can’t teleport every three seconds, and NO you can’t use some type of energy that can blow a hole through the building over there. As stated before these are mainly enhancements. You're allowed four.) Battle Style (Considering we are keybladers, warriors, etc, please give a detailed explanation of your fighting method. We all wont fight the same, so this gives a fun twist to battles.) Magic/Skills (Refer to information) Keyblades and chains (You start with a single keyblade that in reality you have no idea what it looks like or its true powers. With this said, the keychains come into play. You have a keychain automatically attached to your keyblade thus changing it from its true form and giving it the look it has. On the same note you have another keychain. Keyblade Form Appearance A (Post a pic, or don’t. As before if you do, put it in a link or something…) Ability- Keyblade Form Appearance B (Post a pic, or don’t. As before if you do, put it in a link or something…) Ability- Recent History We'll all be starting out in the Drake Kingdom, in a great walled city named Rim Elm, so a short history of what your character has been doing the past few months is all that is required.[/hider][hider=Rules] Literacy: Seriously though, is it that hard to spell?? Make sure your posts are legible, and neat. Grammar shouldn’t be a problem. Power Playing/Godmodding: In an rp like this, the possibilities of impossible things happening are high. Just don’t do it yourself without permission. Post Length: Keep in mind that this is a role play where I want quality and quantity. The post length should be represented as such. From that, I ask at least 3-4 paragraphs of non-dialogue. Details: Let’s give vivid details. Amount of characters: Every role player is allowed two characters. Proof That you Have Read The Rules: To prove to me that you have read the rules, please put “We're all in too deep." in your character sheet. Lastly: This is for our enjoyment, so make sure to have a wonderful rp experience.[/hider]