Our Legendary Dust huntress/teacher [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/104/9/d/orianna_by_zackargunov-d61omqo.png[/img] Appearance- Prism is a white android with protective armor that is shaped like a dress. Her hair and dress in their natural state are pure white, but as she uses dust they both change with the color of the dust absorbed or currently being used. Name- Prism Age- Unknown Species- Android Aura Color- Bright white Semblance- Living Dust- The ability to absorb unbound dust into her body and incorporate it into her form. The fusion happens at molecular level and will last until Prism burns through the dust that she absorbs. This also can destructive to her body, and can render her immobile during or after battle; as androids are powered by Dust. Weapon- As Prism merges with dust, she forges her own weapons from them with imagination being her only limits. Problem is, Prism isn't very imaginative so she often creates efficient and predictable weapons filled with explosive potential. Luckily she has a sidekick to feed her deadlier ideas that sometimes throws off her foes. These weapons are limited to her ability to maintain her living dust form and will disintegrate when Prism starts to degrade. Other Equipment- A spherical hovering carrier robot name "Helper." Helper carries her dust for her, stores small parts needed for repairs, and has been known to collect her head for safe keeping after lost battles. He is much spunkier than Prism, and attempts to open her up to true personality of the android life every step of the way. History- Many androids with the abilities of auras came into existence after the birth of Penny, but many of them turned out to as catastrophic failures. Prism was believed to be one of the many wasted opportunities, being sentenced for recycling soon after her construction. Her abilities were undeniable, even at first test, but the heavy reliance on dust and detrimental nature of her semblance made the young android too much of a risk for production. With the help of a spunky little android trained to serve, Prism found herself narrowly escaping her fate and left to discover the world on her own. As she did this, she secretly helped many people, unknowing of the dangers she put herself through. Decades later, attacks threatened all the kingdoms and Prism through her life on the line to save as many souls as she could. Hundreds of grim feel before her alloy body burn to a crisp, rendering her useless to save any more brittle humans. She was ready to die, to power down and met the long silence when Helper once again carried her off to a certain little ship headed for a lost island. Ever since then, Helper has forced prism to take up a teaching, forcing her to discover her true character and helping her showing others how to use dust in ways that the average mortals couldn't understand. Personality- While others find her ignorance endearing, Prism doesn't quite understand why. She will talk to anyone with no sense of boundaries and often creates and awkward tension in every room she enters. Lucking, Helper knows when to cut her off and lighten the room for all those that are suffering from her company. Fighting Style- Prism's assault ranges greatly as her element changes, taking form such as ranged finger cannons to molten teeth. Although she posses abilities that far bypass the normal human, she has no sense of damage as she fights, abandoning safety for effectiveness. If left in the field she will fight til the last man, and create a path of destruction in her wake. The only thing she will not do is hurt another human, as it goes against everything she was taught. Other- Not yet