[img]http://s21.postimg.org/w5om5oghv/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1390428234[/img] We are starting with a enemey. [4:30:32 PM] Changeling Nat: That what happen to be incountered first. [4:31:06 PM] Turtlicious: I've seen enough porn to know where this is going. [4:31:09 PM] Turtlicious: Hide the women. [4:31:26 PM] Changeling Nat: Turtliscious I am kind of surrpize [4:31:33 PM] Changeling Nat: You are not asking a imporant question [4:32:08 PM] Changeling Nat: Why the fuck are there manta rays on land, and why are they flying? [4:32:25 PM] Turtlicious: Because you can't swim on land. Silly. [4:32:33 PM] Changeling Nat: How are they breathing air? [4:32:46 PM] Turtlicious: Magic. [4:32:56 PM] Turtlicious: The better question is, "Why are they attacking you." [4:33:09 PM] Changeling Nat: Look at there faces [4:33:14 PM] Changeling Nat: Clearly they are pissed off. [4:34:36 PM] Changeling Nat: Oh and turt [4:34:48 PM] Changeling Nat: Are you sure it was wise to mention hentai? [4:34:51 PM] Changeling Nat: Look at this [4:34:54 PM] Changeling Nat: [img]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070602181332/finalfantasy/images/f/f5/LandRay-ff2-nes.gif[/img] [4:35:07 PM] Turtlicious: Oh hey, it's that brain dude from TMNT Nat: Oh and fun triva [4:46:08 PM] Changeling Nat: Guess what the japanses NES game for that monster is [4:47:12 PM] Turtlicious: Kanji [4:47:14 PM] Turtlicious: ? [4:47:15 PM] Turtlicious: No [4:47:17 PM] Turtlicious: Goku [4:47:18 PM] Turtlicious: It's Goke [4:47:54 PM] Changeling Nat: It's murder saw. [img]http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070602181506/finalfantasy/images/4/43/MurderSaw-ff2-nes.gif[/img] Cute eh? [4:49:33 PM] Turtlicious: Daww... I want one. [4:50:03 PM] Changeling Nat: (sarcasium) I wounder why they changed the name. [4:50:28 PM] Turtlicious: Because you'd spend the whole night trying to steal / catch it. [4:50:54 PM] Changeling Nat: What is this pokemon now? [4:51:32 PM] Turtlicious: Yeah, p. much [img]http://s21.postimg.org/776phm0sn/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png[/img] JUst so you know i can't even try to pronounce that monster's name right. [4:54:58 PM] Turtlicious: For-rus-rack-us [4:55:29 PM] Changeling Nat: Phr-ous-rocos? [4:55:51 PM] Turtlicious: Like rocco's modern life? [4:55:58 PM] Changeling Nat: I guess. [4:56:05 PM] Changeling Nat: NES name is Big bird. [4:56:22 PM] Changeling Nat: Atlest I can prounce it. [img]http://s21.postimg.org/plh8lld37/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1390428234[/img] [4:58:51 PM | Edited 4:58:58 PM] Turtlicious: I already know about this one. Harry Potter used one to save Sirius Black [4:58:51 PM] Changeling Nat: Thats whyw e got so many new overworld monsters [4:59:12 PM] Changeling Nat: Just so you know the greek mthos says it's a girl. [img]http://s21.postimg.org/xw7n75y0z/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1390428234[/img] [5:01:03 PM] Changeling Nat: Hey turt look it's you [5:01:29 PM] Turtlicious: Obviously you lost and the LP was a GG here [5:01:46 PM] Changeling Nat: Nope, yu have the same weakness as mostly every monster [5:01:53 PM] Changeling Nat: Teleport is just that OP> [5:02:30 PM] Changeling Nat: So turt here a question? [5:02:49 PM] Changeling Nat: Did you like the jokes i made about you, when incountering the other turtle monsters? [5:03:04 PM] Turtlicious: I do not know. [5:03:07 PM] Turtlicious: 8D [5:03:12 PM] Changeling Nat: Damn. [img]http://s21.postimg.org/3l0w4yuf7/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1390428234[/img] So yeah, a image not about a monster. [5:06:08 PM] Changeling Nat: Sooo yeah that what the ship looks like parked. [5:06:33 PM] Changeling Nat: And thats Rilla poseing outside for a selfie [5:06:34 PM | Edited 5:06:41 PM] Turtlicious: Either it's tiny, or Rilla is a giant. [5:06:58 PM] Turtlicious: No wonder you guys are fighting monsters so often, you traveling with the Atomic Atom. [5:07:18 PM] Changeling Nat: Everytime you go outside a dungeon, or a town you look that big. [5:07:33 PM] Changeling Nat: I am willing to almost say you are bigger then Cid's airship. [5:07:53 PM] Changeling Nat: Which is 4 X smaller then that ship. [5:08:15 PM] Changeling Nat: So turt, guess how easy it is to get on the ship. [5:09:05 PM] Turtlicious: You walk on And that is when we me and turt stop for the day.(turt wanted to stop someone was at his house.) I tired like one other time to hit turt up on skype, and then stop trying because I am lazy, and who cares about guests right? ANYWAY ON WITH THE SHOW! Also turts not funny.#shotsfired [img]http://s22.postimg.org/52cnigjct/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] So on the ship is this asshole who says the same thing as they all say, but if you remember back that passport I picked up. Give him it, when you talk to him, and he say this. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/l1vb20fel/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] Yeah No rebel CURS! would have a passport, then he just scamper the fuck off like a new episode of DR WHO was on. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/q81uzb4sd/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] That didn't take long for them to reuse that sprite now did it? Oh well pikachu is no match for weapons. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/mjlcrb9j1/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] And then for some reason werepanthers? Who have long whiskers? Also people who are kind of a threat to us with magic, but damn they drop some good spells. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/vjlcxrg8t/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] [img]http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4731363018277173&pid=15.1[/img] [img]http://s22.postimg.org/pfz7040l9/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] Yeah cid is here as well, but who cares he can handle himself and is not a wom- Not going to finish that or else feminists may find this thread when there Joke made about women sense go off. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/jbgve9n99/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] Giants in the in this dungeon, did they need a passport to get on as well? For being a hill gigas, kind odd to see them anywhere but grass land. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/fqkzv1ipp/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] It would seem these birds must be a 80's band given the name. Too bad they just as weak as pretty much every enemy till about a good portion later in the game. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/a14raqcjh/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] Here the engine, thank god it follows all videogame related weakpoint logic, it's big, it's brightly color, and easy to spot, and if you put a sign by it, it would say " Fuck me here". [img]http://s22.postimg.org/apdltob99/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] I can't help but think watching it explode this close is a bad idea, anyone else think so? No? Oh well let's just keep watching and don't move. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/jfaouisql/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] No really what does it look like? WE BLOWING IT THE FUCK UP? What was you jacking off too hard in the corner to the side to notice us throwing a very valuable one of a kind fire, and torch into the engine? [img]http://s22.postimg.org/epl9ctv5p/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] And then we all run out, he doesn't even battle us, no one stops us. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/ql2fwz1tp/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] Got a few more picture of us running like this with the flashing red " YOU ALL FUCKED UP BAD" light. [img]http://s22.postimg.org/qc5ddyigt/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392005862[/img] Wait for it. [img]http://s14.postimg.org/toairpyrh/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392007087[/img] here it comes. [img]http://s14.postimg.org/fx61pi9tp/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392007087[/img] [img]http://s14.postimg.org/i1ltcum2l/Final_Fantasy_I_II_Dawn_of_Souls_Europe_E.png?noCache=1392007087[/img] and everyone dies the end.