And what better way to test a Table top RPG than by running a campaign right here, am I right? Yup, I decided to make a Digimon Tabletop RPG Rulebook utilizing primarily d6's (standard cube shaped six sided die for those who aren't down with the jargons). Since I have to make pretty much all of it myself, It's not quite done or ready to play, but enough is there that I think by the time I start the OOC, I should have enough to create characters and know what they can do. I probably won't have a full list of items out by the time we'd be starting, but I do have a way where no one would be left in the dust for calculating their armor or weapon values. Other than it working on what is basically a point-buy system, I don't have much else to say that showing you the document wouldn't do better, which will come in due time. I do have an idea for plot elements, however, I prefer Digimon RP's to have more player input than one might expect from some other, more strict story lines, and this is no different. Besides, I don't want to limit player choices, so I'm not one to try and plot-railroad my party in uncomfortable ways, but I do appreciate a bit of cooperation. That being said, I'm relatively new to Tabletop GM'ing, and this is very experimental, but that's basically what I'm looking for- people willing to experiment, have fun, and ride with the story until the end. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask! I don't think it will be that complex, but all the basics of the core rulebook should be there by the time we start, or rather, I'll have to finish them before we start so no players are left in the dark. And, while I don't have any ideas for like, expansion books or modules/pre-made adventures, there is room for them in the future. The group that forms will be essentially alpha testers, and help me work out problems so the game can be more fun for future players.