[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [b][u]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/u][/b] Estelle’s brow twitched in irritation, her temple almost fit to burst, first from Jett’s relentlessly annoying question and then from the sudden tremor that surrounded her, a tremor that saved the hapless rookie from a punch in the face and one that almost dislodged Estelle from her feet and onto her rear. She managed to catch herself and stop that from happening in time, but her frustration only began to magnify greater and greater once the Varren in question made their appearance. “What… what on Ddaear are they wearing?” Estelle asked, her face taut in a deadpan expression. The Varren, decked in stylish clothing made of printed tshirts, vests, jeans and jackets, all did a little spinning twirl and pose, before setting out to attack them. Some plunged back into the burrowed earth to attack from underground, as others charged atop in a two pronged attack. “Those things they’re wearing…” Estelle backtracked, unsheathing her fireblade and readying it in front of her as she stepped close to Marcus, whose eyes were knitted closed in concentration, his robes glowing a magical emerald glow as he focused on delivering an agility enhancing spell to each of his allies. “They’re not what I think they are, are they?” [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] “Hahaha,” Marcus laughed. “You know what he always used to say. [b]‘The clothes make the man’[/b], or something like that.” “This is ridiculous,” Estelle sighed. She then jumped backwards in the air at the second the ground beneath her feet popped open, two Varren claws shooting up from the ground, but the rest of the Varren remaining hidden below. As Estelle’s feet skidded on the ground, she smiled to Marcus, telling him thanks for the spell, and returned her focus to the attacking Varren. “Oh no, I’m not falling for that same trick aga-!” To Estelle’s surprise, another pair of Varren claws popped up and grabbed her ankles. Estelle’s cheeks grew red.