[center][b][i]An introduction to the Vault, Secrets and information being hidden away from the light. A collab between Little Alice and Lesli.[/b] Part I A talk with the leader within the shadows. ----------- Summary : This is part is about Kiyomi and Meisa discussing about some subjects and shed some more light on the dynamic between the two. It is also shows information about a secret project that is only known to a select group of ANBU and the higher ups of Konohagakure. The project Vault.[/center][/i] [hider=Part I] Walking into the Hokage Office, Kiyomi was briefly wondering about her appearance. Right coming from construction of the inner wall, she was still covered more in dirt and sweat. And right now meeting with the most influential and powerful woman, which was known to only three people, on the known world, Kiyomi thought she should try a jutsu to make her look at least more presentable. Then again, she wondered if that would help. Maybe she could request a brief pause to clean herself up. But considering she was requested to meet Meisa, Approaching the door of the office of Meisa instead of the Hokage's, she knocked on the door. [b]''Please, come in.''[/b] Meisa was looking at a new painting. The last painting she had bought had been destroyed when that troublesome Hanamoto had caused some trouble. This painting was made of the lovely flowers forget-me-nots. If she had to pick a flower, it was that small blue flower. It had a certain poetic and symbolic beauty to it and though Meisa didn't consider herself a patron of arts, she somehow appreciated good art like the one she holding. Giving it a place among the wall, she frowned. [b]''How are you, Kiyomi?''[/b] Meisa asked, but her attention still at the painting she had placed at her wall. Closing the door behind her, Kiyomi made a deep bow towards Meisa. Then she would drop to a knee and keep her head lowered. It would be something that she wouldn't do in public, but now in private Kiyomi knew better. [b]''I am well, Lady Meisa-sama.''[/b] Kiyomi said with a respectful tone. Quickly Kiyomi tried to glance to see what the woman was doing. She had briefly caught note that she was busy with a painting, but not sure what it was. [b]''Glad. I heard that you were helping with the new security wall. I can't say how pleasantly surprised I was when I heard that a busy person like you decided to roll up your sleeves and help out.''[/b] Meisa sounded both friendly as cheerful. Walking to her desk, she would sit on the furniture piece. Crossing her legs, she placed her hands on the desk as a playful smile crept on her thin lips. [b]''I hope you had some fun.''[/b] Surprised, Kiyomi felt a bit warm by the words of Meisa. Briefly wondering what Hisoka and Zakito would think, she was glad that it seemed to please Meisa that she had tried to help. [b]''I had some fun. Though I am not that good with... creating things, I have the hope that my efforts are appreciated as they were genuinely intended to help out. Lady Meisa-sama.''[/b] Kiyomi said. Though she was wondering why she had been called to meet with the woman. [b]''I at least appreciate them. It shows character to help out. Sometimes we don't need dangerous kunoichi, but people who are willing to do some simple work.''[/b] Meisa stated as she stared at the dirt and sweat covered girl. She was so young, yet had more character than most people Meisa had encountered. Wondering about something, Meisa would start to talk again. [b]''But please, your gesture of respect has lasted long enough. You may rise, Kiyomi.''[/b] Meisa briefly laughed softly. [b]''I prefer to look some people straight in the eyes than down on them.''[/b] Rising up, Kiyomi would hold a serious expression laid over her face. She would place her hands on her back as well keep it straight. [b]''Thank you, Lady Meisa-sama.''[/b] Kiyomi responded. Though she would still keep up the respectful tone, Kiyomi couldn't to wonder who would be more strict. Hisoka or Meisa. But she viewed both as a capable teachers when it came to how a Hokage should act. Of course also Zakito, but Kiyomi saw him more as a different kind of mentor. [b]''You are probably wondering why I have called you here? It is very simple.''[/b] Meisa began as she glanced at the new painting. [b]''It is about the Ghost ANBU project. I have made some progress and will now finish the starting stage with you.''[/b] Meisa turned her head again to look at the girl. [b]''Though you may of course decline to do this today. It is your free day after all.''[/b] After her words, Meisa smiled as she was amused. A day free and the girl was covered in dirt and sweat. [b]''Even if it is a free day, I would be honored to...''[/b] Kiyomi briefly paused. She was recently learning how to talk more like Meisa often did. With tact and care, picking out words that wouldn't insult another, yet make some decisions clear. But for the girl it was hard to be polite and yet reserved at the same time without losing much tact. [b]''I would be honored to accompany you as it would both enlighten and please me.''[/b] Making a small bow towards the woman, Kiyomi thought about her words. [b]''Very good. You're truly blessed with the traits of the Hon's. Learning fast, that is good.''[/b] Meisa said, her smile growing as she was glad with the words of the girl. [b]''And let's go then. I wonder if it will take a long time as it just going to be another kind of lesson for you.''[/b] Getting of the desk, Meisa gestured gracefully with her left hand that Kiyomi should walk with her. [b]''But first. What would you do if another nation would send an agent to try to capture and kidnap a tailed beast from us?''[/b] Following Meisa, Kiyomi hoped that she didn't smell that badly. If there was one thing, then it was that she didn't want the woman to think badly of her. The question made Kiyomi think. Knowing that it is was to try to help her learn and understand probably something, Kiyomi thought about the details of politics she had learned so far. [b]''I think that would be a grave thing to do. Considering that the Tailed Beasts are seen as traditional weapons to frighten off rival states, it is a heavy act of transgression if one faction would attempt to steal that of another.''[/b] The answer of Kiyomi made Meisa nod slowly. [b]''Good. But what would you if you would be the leader of the faction that has been the target of such a transgression?''[/b] Meisa asked. She looked sideways at the girl, guessing that the given situation and question would be a bit personally as Kiyomi was a jinchuriki. But it served a clear purpose and lesson to talk about what Meisa had started with. [b]''I would start to investigate the case and reason. Then strike back. If it would happen to us, I wouldn't waver to use it as a reason to first investigate what the possible strikes are. Then using the reason to strike back and openly denounce the aggressor party to make it clear that the strikes against them are justified.''[/b] Kiyomi said with a serious tone. Though she was a jinchuriki, she felt no sense of being bonded with that of other Jinchuriki's. Like Matatabi once made it clear, it was a bit foolish to think that other people with the same problems were the same as her or him. Either humans or Tailed Beasts, such sense wasn't useful and would lead to more unnecessary sorrow and negative emotions. [b]''That is very good. Lets hope that Kirigakure won't that tactful as you just have proven yourself.~''[/b] Meisa said. The halls were empty as they were walking through. [b]''Though I suppose that with the Chuunin exams that they won't expect it. What do you think of it?''[/b] Meisa asked. The woman was wondering if Kiyomi had anything against the Water Country. She was aware that the girl had some bonds with a clan in Kumogakure after some research, but not sure about her stance towards the other countries. Thinking about the words, Kiyomi was happy with the compliment. But she wanted to give an answer that wouldn't disappoint Meisa, yet she wanted to stay true to her own opinion. After a moment, she would answer back to the secret leader of the Fire Union. [b]''I think it would be good to use the cover of an event that takes up a lot of attention. There is a lot of preparation needed for the Chuunin exams. Registering participants, organizing a retinue and making sure that other processes are being overseen in the absence of the leading Kage.''[/b] Kiyomi answered. Trying to see the move in a more tactical light, Kiyomi thought of it as a game of chess. Not that she liked the game, but she had often tried to play it with Hiron. But with the recent lessons of Meisa and Hisoka, she noticed that she looked differently at the situations that were presented to her. [b]''I think that with the right approach that such a move is one of a level that by the time that the Mist uncovers it was the work of the Fire Union that they are already too late to strike back or denounce us.''[/b] Truly intrigued by the words of the young teenager, Meisa nodded. [b]''I reckon that you will become quite the strategist if you keep paying such attention to your lessons. I must request Hisoka to play some strategy games with you. Though I have heard about that you were able to win the duel in Kumogakure with staying observant and using tactics.''[/b] Briefly the woman thought how she would fair against the girl. She knew well enough that Kiyomi was able to face many a foes and that it was her cunning and observant skills that made her a fearsome kunoichi. Together with her current skills and abilities, Meisa wouldn't dare to think she would be able to win easily from her apprentice. [b]''What do you think of how I rule?''[/b] Meisa softly asked. Feeling warm again as she was sort of complimented by Meisa, it felt great. Not everyday was she complimented by the woman who had a firm control over the current strongest faction and state in the world. Lowering her head a bit, she was wondering if Meisa could spot her cheeks a bit blushing with the dirt covering parts of her face. [b]''I have to thank Uncle Z for that. I used his usual fighting style to outwit my foe.''[/b] She said, thinking about the man who managed to stay calm in battles. But then the last question of Meisa made Kiyomi look a bit surprised up. What her opinion was of Meisa's rule? Biting on her lower lip, Kiyomi thought how she would formulate her answer. [b]''I think you're doing a great job. Everybody sees Hisoka as the Hokage and leader of the Fire Union, which keeps you safe. That alone shows that you and Hisoka-sama are great. Together how you managed to unite and combine many smaller states with the Fire country into the known Fire Union is something admirable. I can't do anything else but to admit that I respect and applaud your way of ruling. Yet, I feel a bit intimidated by it.''[/b] Listening to the girl, Meisa was glad to hear that she also named Hisoka. Yes, he was great, Meisa thought to herself. But at the end of Kiyomi's answer Meisa was genuinely surprised and didn't hide it. [b]''In what way do you mean then? I hope it isn't that I scare you, Kiyomi. That wouldn't be my intention at all.''[/b] Meisa responded with a very serious tone. Though it was a bit amusing to think that she was an intimidating figure. [b]''No, Lady Meisa-sama. Not at all.''[/b] Kiyomi was surprised as well and shook with her head. The blush on her cheeks grew as she felt a bit scared to voice what she meant with telling she was feeling a bit intimidated by Meisa's way of ruling. [b]''I meant that if I become the next Hokage that I wonder if I am capable of continue to rule as wisely and good like you, Lady Meisa-sama. I hope I will be just as smart and clever as you are. I have still much to learn, but I sometimes wonder what I will achieve as Hokage.''[/b] Her tone became softer as she felt slowly a bit embarrassed. Though it was hard to see, Meisa thought she noticed Kiyomi blushing. Placing a hand on Kiyomi's shoulder, Meisa smiled as she shook her head lightly. [b]''Don't worry. You already achieved enough to become a bright Hokage. Many people in the village already support and respect you. I would even dare to say that many outside also do the same, but I can't be too sure about that. That and you show care to the people. I haven't met any past, present or future kage that decided to help out people on a free day.''[/b] The two were walking now beyond a heavily guarded entrance of several ANBU. They had to wait as a barrier was opened for them and then a very thick door. [b]''We are almost there.''[/b] Meisa told Kiyomi. They were walking down a stairs as they would witness ANBU working around them. Meisa's words made Kiyomi feel even better after she had decided to help out the working men and women that were assigned to construct the inner wall. It also relieved some of the worried feeling she had that she wouldn't be able to be a Hokage like Meisa was. A bit surprised by what she saw, Kiyomi couldn't say that she had seen this before. [b]''What is being made here?''[/b] Kiyomi asked Meisa softly as she walked beside the woman down the stairs. Now and then Kiyomi took a long glance to see what was being made. [b]''The Hokage has ordered that the secret and classified documents, scrolls and items are being kept at a more secured place. Right now this section is being heavily guarded by ANBU members, barrier and seals to prevent anybody to sneak into the place.''[/b] Was Meisa's answer. Now that there were other people nearby, Meisa would rather perform the act that she was the Hokage's assistant. [b]''There is also a remaining chakra mast below that will prevent the use of ninjutsu. Together with the already made seals and barriers, it disable anybody to suddenly appear through the earth or any chakra moulding manner in the section.''[/b] They had just walked from the stairs and already would see a big door, made by some material. [b]''Granite. Quite stubborn to drill or hack in. Also quite resistant to explosions.''[/b] Meisa said as she would clear her throat. [b]''Praise the day that the Eagle, Wolf and Butterfly are guided through the Forest with the Blessed Eyes.''[/b] Slowly the dark material would open a path for the two after the strange sentence of Meisa, who smile. [b]''The code is changed every week and quite tricky. This week the code stand for several important and growing clans of Konohagakure. Can you name which clans I mean?''[/b] Interested by all that she saw and heard, Kiyomi's eyes widened. She gained a big smile and almost forgot about the lessons of Meisa that she should stay and look clam to give a better impression on others or at least prevent that others would easily read her. But what she saw and experienced was very intriguing for her. When Meisa asked if she could deduce the clans from the phrase, she lowered her head a bit as she brought a hand to her mouth. [b]''It is clear that they are guided by the Forest with the Blessed Eyes. That means that the Eagle..Wolf... and Butterfly aren't related or share much common with the Forest with Blessed Eyes.''[/b] Kiyomi thought more about it. [b]''The Wolf is simple. That resembles the Hon clan.''[/b] But then the Eagle and Butterfly? Thinking about the clans she was known with, she looked surprised and snapped with her fingers. [b]''The Nimatsu clan have these... eagle warriors! Ken-senpai once told me about them when we went to the village of Talons. The Eagle stand for the Nimatsu clan.''[/b] This was actually quite fun, Kiyomi thought. Now the Butterfly. That one was a bit harder. Most clans that used an animal as clan symbol used intimidating or strong creatures. Dragons, wolves, lions and other creatures like that. Then Kiyomi tried to think of a clan and felt stupid. [b]''The Butterfly stand for the Cho clan.''[/b] Meisa had mentioned growing clans and the Cho clan was one of the current clans that was growing fast and strong. But now that she had figured out the three creatures, she had to figure out what Meisa meant with the Forest with Blessed Eyes. If it were clans, she could figure out that the Senju was the Forest and the Uchiha the blessed eyes. Or were that the Hyuuga clan? Thinking about it, she then sighed. [b]''And I think that the Forest with the blessed Eyes stand for the cooperation between the Uchiha's and Senju clan?''[/b] Nodding, Meisa wouldn't attempt that she was genuinely amused. [b]''Riddles like these can be so much fun, no?''[/b] Walking through dark halls that were faintly lighted by candles Meisa and Kiyomi would see now and then a few ANBU. [b]''The Vault, as it is called isn't yet ready. We have made some temporary rooms and when we work we disable the chakra mast for short periods. For now most important information and items are stored away. I hope that it is done over a week.''[/b] Meisa informed Kiyomi. They turned around when they approached a crossroad. [/hider]