[quote=Strawberry425] That's what I was to have posted yesterday, but then things went crazy LOL. Oh and guess what I still haven't done....*cough*writingsample*cough*. I've been reliving high school literature and been badly preoccupied with reading again. And soon I'm going to pick up which I'm not looking forward too... [/quote] -le snip- [s]I'm grasping at straws with that one, but I was sifting through my tabs and saw it and was like... "Was I seriously going to use this as Percival's appearance? Was I drunk?" and then I realized it was intended to be one of those reaction stuff. So, I had the strong urge to use it. <3[/s] As for me, I hated bios and personalities, but now I enjoy them to the point where I ramble and rant about their backstory. In a sense, I realize it's more for myself than to get accepted into an RP. I've found, after leaving the guild for like a three month hiatus between both times I left, that I left because I didn't feel attached to my characters, that they didn't interest me enough to stay in the RP. I'd just whipped them up on a whim to join because I thought the concept of the RP was cool, until I realized that was no longer cutting it. Now, I think over each character very thoroughly (I actually outlined the important things in bullet points for Aldous, though that didn't help as much as I'd like. Connecting points for a character doesn't quite line up like doing it for a legit story lol. But, I still love his concept deeply) so that if the interest in the RP is waning, I'll still have my characters to keep me grounded. If you want to look at it from a technical point of few, I'm interested in RPs by proxy. Which isn't as bad as I'm making it to be, lol. It's why I deeply love character driven plots because a lot of my drive is behind my characters. I think I've digressed from the original point of my post. o_o Anyway, this all means that I put a lot of thought into backgrounds and personalities because if I get an idea that hooks me, it'll sink all the other hooks that the GM originally cast deeper. It means I'm dedicated because I want to see where these characters go and by that, it means I am immensely interested and invested in the overarching plot. Though, sometimes my libido catches me just as I make the character and can tie them to a potential partner a little too closely. But, I've not done that in this RP, I made sure I caught myself before I did :P so that these characters can stand as individually as possible, should I avoid any romantic side plots that may or may not go on. ;P Though, I may have detached myself from one of these characters (I'm talking in the span of three, because I am in the process of creating one more; the most I've juggled was six and it was hell, so I'm stopping at three) just because I think killing them off sometime during the RP will help set a good character development arc. I may have revealed a bit much, there, but this is a collaborative process, you know? And I think people need to see where we've planned to take it, or at least in the general direction because I don't think anything should be too set in stone in an RP. Though, I do have a soft spot for surprises, and juicy plot twists, so I definitely don't intend to share everything. >:O As for High Casual RPs, I've been in a lot of Casual RPs, though I think most have been High Casual. I dunno, I don't keep track of sublevels in RPs I've been in. Though, I did recently join a few Advanced ones. I've always been afraid of jumping to Advanced and had no intention of doing so any time soon, but a friend of mine had weaseled me into it by not mentioning that I'd joined an Advanced RP until it friggin' started. Well, that's not true. He didn't tell me, just assumed I'd know, but I didn't cause I failed to look at where the RP was located until it practically began. >_> Like, that was weeks or a week, I dunno, until I finally saw. I'm a ditz and can be very oblivious sometimes. ;_; But, yeah, that boosted my confidence right up and I've been sliding myself into Advanced, though I enjoy Cas a lot more when I'm feeling more active. It's faster paced, but a lot more relaxed, I've found. I just hope I'm up to par for your standards. I have self-confidence issues, so I keep looking at the sheets and thinking very degrading thoughts about my ideas and writing. But, that's nothing new and I think it's pretty evident, even though I don't voice it very often. Or much at all unless I think I'm bragging about myself like I think I am. Lol. Anyway, I think I've rambled enough. LIKE FOR SERIOUS. Oh, as for the fact that a priest is the antagonist, well you just helped further develop Percival without any intention from either of us. I dunno how it'll play out (and I suspect the group is gonna be a little wary of Percival after the fiasco) but I know it'll push Percy along some kind of path and that makes me absolutely giddy. Gah. Even for a man who has been lacking in faith for years now; he was still a priest and, by Catholic doctrine, technically still is, so this should affect him, despite any denial he may have. When I told you guys that I rambled, I wasn't fucking KIDDING OMG WHY IS THIS OVER 1000 WORDS LONG? It's probably not a thousand words, but seriously? @_@ Ugh.