"Ah Nyx, a beautiful name." Caspian relied, watching her closely intent on figuring out her emotions as they spoke. She was beautiful to Caspian, but with in glance he could tell that she was an elf . Unfortunately for him, elves were granted life being what humans could imagine or desire. But this did not stop Caspian from continuing his conversation with the lass. He had planned to try and learn more about her, maybe become friends with her, but them were interpreted by another elf. She was shorter that Caspian with long black hair and a green tunic with a light green cape. She came in the Inn conversing with a furious bartender over the fact that her animal was not allowed inside the Inn. Caspian studied her from afar for a couple of seconds, "So many elves" Caspian mumbled to himself. Caspian continued to watch her until she came up to Nyx and Caspian herself. “Pardon me, sorry to interrupt,” she said. “This is the meeting, correct? Sorry we're a bit late. We got held up a while, terrible storm. I'm Bregil Lithren,” she said as she outstretched her hand. "Aye, this is the meeting all right, and no need to sorry yourself with ms, I'm just a simple convict given the chance at freedom once again." Caspian replied, shaking her hand firmly, "The names Caspian, Sailor of the seas and plunder of precious items" he said, formally introducing himself to bother woman.