I'm very much glad that they're unique and fleshed out enough that you won't mistake them for other characters. I don't think I can say the same for myself, though lol. [s]Or the situations my brain will come up with[/s] I need to stop thinking sex for like two seconds. Anyway, when using real life pictures for appearances I'm vastly more comfortable using actors for reasons I will ramble about endlessly. So, my natural habit is to separate the character from the appearance. I may pick out the picture first, but it never plays a part in character concept. I usually have a solid grasp of who the character is before I write and before appearance comes into play, so that helps immensely. Anyway, I actually came up with the diner name before doing anything else with Aldous probably cause I was listening to the song that inspired it, lol. Actually, now that I think about it, it's kinda funny that I used Ackles and had Aldous be a chef. Though, pie isn't his favorite food; Aldous actually is smitten with cinnamon buns and will kill anyone who denies any that he makes. And he likes cats and his favorite movie is 27 Dresses [s]because I said so and because it's actually my favorite movie[/s] and he tried any kind of food at least once, so he'll have no qualms with eating any of the dogs if the occasion arouse. Brave New World confused a lot of my friends and it was kinda weird for them, but I loved how descriptive it was and how eccentric it could be. Ugh, it was a wonderful read and is do it again if I could scrounge up the money to buy it. But, yeah, amazing book and I actually was going to name Aldous Helmholtz, but decide that would be too much like copying what Straw did lol, so I went with author name because I always loved Aldous Huxley's name and I'm a sucker for eccentric, antique names over things like John or Eric. No offense to anyone using a common name for a character, though lol. Regardless you should definitely read To Kill a Mockingbird cause it's awesome sauce and then you should watch the movie cause I'm sure that's awesome sauce too. I haven't watched it yet but I intend to in the near future. ;o If I watch it before you, I'll tell you how it is. :)