What's up! Micro-bio about me: I'm 25, been to two colleges, majored in English at one point, and I now work in the video game industry. Thanks to the whole "majored in English" bit, my spelling and grammar are generally pretty good—not gonna say flawless, but I like to think that I can usually avoid the glaring errors. I'm not an elitist about this, I expect more from myself in that regard than from others, but I still grind my teeth a bit when people clearly didn't even right click the red lines underneath mangled words. I'm not overly fond of Japanese / anime themes, I've been bombarded with them way too much for years and the bloom fell off THAT rose a long time ago. Doesn't help matters that a lot of good Western animation ends up getting ignored simply because it's not from Asia, doesn't matter if it's superior to its anime counterpart or not (I am still of the opinion that Megas XLR is better than any giant robot anime, period.) As for what I do enjoy, obviously Western cartoons as I've mentioned. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to crossover RPs, especially AU crossover stuff where the source material gets changed before bringing in the character. Ghost Rider? Boring! Make him come from 1920's Chicago and drive a Monowheel! He'll get along fine with the Unicorn fashionista from the Shadowrun version of Equestria, right? I also clearly enjoy videogames, or I wouldn't be in the industry. I've played World of Warcraft for about a decade, been playing Wildstar for months, I know the settings for Mass Effect and The Elder Scrolls almost inside out, and so on. Also, X-COM is fucking awesome. I play way more games than this, these are just the ones that come to mind as I type this at 7:30 in the morning. I wouldn't mind doing some RP as anthros (or furries, depending on which term you prefer). I wouldn't call myself a furry, I don't have a fursona or anything, but I find they can be fun characters to play. Other than that, I love playing demons, and anyone who knows me from the IRC channel knows that I've got a pretty in-depth succubus character I tend to use. I'm generally not interested in RP set firmly in reality—I live there, I don't need a pretend second life in it. Sci-fi and fantasy are where it's at for me, or even modern with a twist of either of those. Near future military stuff can also be really fun, there aren't enough supersoldier RPs out there. I'm not really a fan of romance and the like in RPs. If it evolves naturally between the characters over the course of the RP then fine, but I don't really like planning for romance to happen from the beginning. I will say that I love group RPs, so I'm happy to hear about any of those I might like. I have tons of ideas for group RPs myself, but sadly I've established that I'm really, REALLY bad at running group stuff. If someone good at running groups wants someone to collaborate with to build a setting / storyline, I'd be thrilled to be a part of that. I love all the design work, it's the execution that I have trouble with. At any rate, I like to think that in general I'm open minded, so feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message! I'm happy to hear ideas, and I don't bite- the worst I'll say is no, and it's more likely that I'll suggest a variation on your idea to make it more appealing to me.