Here's my CS. I do hope it's okay. --- [hider=APPEARANCE:] [Img][/img][/hider] NAME: Katherine Rivers AGE: 25 PERSONALITY: Born and raised in a cultured household, Katherine is very direct with her thoughts and enjoys making her speech elegantly like the movies of old victorian English films she often watched when she was a kid. Because of this, she has an air of rudeness in the eyes of others. She is stubborn on her views and equally as tenacious in things that interest her. She has a goal oriented mind and keeps it in front focus. OCCUPATION: 3rd Year Medical Student ETHNICITY: Caucasian EQUIPMENT: Due to her daily schedule of always being stuck in school or a hospital practicum, Katherine carries several energy bars and a large water bottle with her. She also has a bottle of tylenol and a small first aid kit with her. WEAPONS: Large Pocket Knife, Crowbar FAMILY: Leon Rivers - Father - Deceased Meredith Rivers - Mother - Deceased Kyle Rivers - Brother - Unknown Colleen Rivers - Older Sister - Unknown Samantha Rivers - Twin Sister - Living Angela Rivers - Younger Sister - Living PAST: Calling Alabama her home, Katherine was raised in the city where her family ran a successful trade business that went international. Her father and mother had placed her siblings and her into a prestigious preparatory school in hopes of their generation establishing connections with other affluent families. Her father wanted a legacy, and his children was the way he decided to achieve just that. It was during her high school years when Katherine decided that she wanted to go into medicine. After a severe car crash where she was hospitalized for several months from the severity of it all, she realized how much society depended on the medical professionals. When she was in ICU, she filled her periods of doing nothing with talking to the nursing staff and her doctor her visited her frequently. Pushing through her undergraduate at Emory University and then getting admitted into the school’s medical school, she continued to attack her studies. It was within her third year that the news of the super virus spreading across America took the hot seat of the evening news. At first, her professor and her class assumed the virus was nothing but a mutated strain of rabies. It explained the aggressive behavior; however, many holes littered the explanation, which didn’t make any sense. The debate continued amongst her colleagues. It wasn’t long before she would see one of these ‘infected’ up close and in person. During her rotations, the hospital was in a state of panic as the newly dubbed ‘walkers’ moved and ate the flesh of others. Patients, doctors, nurses. It didn’t matter to them. Though she felt obligated to stay, Katherine fled as the rest of Atlanta fell into the clutches of the virus. What she had thought fantastical had come to fruition. OTHER INTERESTING INFORMATION: -Considers herself Pansexual -Hates the very notion of guns contrary to her families love of them -Loves mountain climbing and anything outdoors -Fascinated with classical music [hider=WRITING SAMPLE:] Katherine threw open her apartment door. She was still wearing her hospital gowns. Her heart continued to hammer against her chest as she reached for the remote and switched on the television. Left on the news when she departed for the morning, she didn’t even glance at the flatscreen as she already moved towards her bedroom. Quickly changing into a pair of jeans and a grey long sleeves, she reached for her empty backpack and tossed the contents on the floor. Moving towards the kitchen, she reached for her bars and various other ‘on-the-go’ necessities. What she saw tonight at the hospital defied all medical explanations that she heard learned thus far. The deceased patient bit Dr. Cherev. Katherine still couldn’t believe it. Those eyes were vacant of intelligible thought except the desire to eat — she could tell. It was probably the same look she had when the six hour plus shift fast hit her. Katherine felt a buzz in her pocket as she fumbled for her phone. It was Sammy. “Sammy! Oh thank god. Are you with mom and dad?” “Kat … t-they're,” Samantha said between sobs. “These people broke into the house. I-I heard mom scream. Dad too! I shouldn’t have come back. Not this week. I shouldn’t have! The news raved about this ‘virus’. Kat, you weren’t at the hospital were you?” “Sam, listen. Are you with Angela?” “Ka—“ “Are you with Angela, Samantha?” “Yes … she’s a mess. Christ, she’s only sixteen. She saw mom.” [i]Christ. How the …[/i] “Take the car and go to the cabin. I’ll meet you th— No, don’t you dare argue Sammy. Just listen to me. Find Kyle and Colleen, if you can. If not, just go. Don’t stop for anything or anyone. Please Sam. Now get moving.” Katherine ended the call as she finished collecting a few other things. She turned towards the TV as pictures of live scenes played behind the blonde reporter. It was terrible. Police were on the streets in riot gear as gun shots echoed from the TV screen, which she swore she could hear through her windows. On the lower part of the screen, she saw something about the national guard being deployed. A pit welled in her stomach. Nothing like this ever happened in Atlanta. Sure, there was the occasional shooting or robbery but not this. Grabbing her car keys, turning off the TV, and checking her things once again, she moved towards the door. She didn’t know what the hell was happening, but all she knew was that she had to get out of the city. A shiver of guilt riddled her conscious on how she should’ve stayed at the hospital, but the way that ‘thing’ tore into her instructor scared her away. What mattered was getting to the cabin where her sisters and brother would hopefully be waiting for her. Suddenly, the virus wasn’t the same old bullshit rumors that she had written them off to be. They were real. She had seen the infected, and they had taken away her parents. She had to get to the cabin.[/hider]