Ahhhh … sorry to hear about that 7achary; I know how it feels and its rough regardless of how well or shoddy you felt about the piece. The good news stems from the fact that we can learn to not repeat this horrible occurrence and my best advice involves using a word processor before posting. I've had several occassions where the browser closed and I [i]could've[/i] lost several well written posts, but didn't because they were still backed up on my word processor; in fact, I actually almost lost my last post me accidently closing the browser inbetween closing other tabs. No problem, though; had my post backed up on a word document and afterwards, the fiasco just took another minute of copy and pasting. Practice the word processor protocol and you [i]too[/i] can give upstart browsers the middle finger! [b]Edit:[/b] In other, content related issues, I think that as long as you have a general idea regarding what you last wrote; you can probably write something even better. I don't know if your last post involving drugs and alcohol were serious or sarcasmic, but I would not recommend drug or alcohol abuse to escape what's already been done. Writer up, take what you remember, and make your other piece better! If you need to collaborate, don't hesitate to shoot me a message and we'll see if we can't cook up an even spicier storm ;)