[quote=KatherinWinter] Rachel cmiled. She clung tightly to Train's hand. She knew if they got seperated she would never find him. Her tacking spell didn't have the best recorde of success. She wondered where he was leading her. The only thing she knew about sirens was that the attracted men and usually kissed them by aborning their souks. Sh wondered hiw they could capture one. [/quote] Train made it to a run down looking bar he smiled looking at it " I feel supernatural power " he turned and looked at Rachel. " When you go on most missions with little info supernatural bars are the best place to get info on new supernatural's in the area " Train was just about to walk in and stopped " oh. don't leave my side or let of my hand, hunters like to hang around these bars " he looked at her smiling forgetting that is was a simulation " They will sell you off for a lot of money " he walked in with her to the bar.