[img]http://i.imgur.com/AmxI4Io.png[/img] Jett took a deep breath. He felt a little hurt when Estelle yelled back. The poor rookie wondered why she sounded so annoyed. All he wanted was to be friendly. Out of nervousness he accidentally blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Wait, so does that mean we’re there yet?" The ground rumbled under his feet, and the young man threw one leg back to steady himself, but it didn't do him any good. He swayed a little before landing on his bum. He groaned loudly. "W-what are those?" The H-rank guilder stared at the strangest creatures he had ever seen. Well the strangest creatures dressed in clothes. Jett was still staring dumbly when the earth moles attacked. His jaw dropped in disbelief as he saw a few began hurling stones at the group. A large pebble struck him on the forehead, and Jett fell screaming backwards. He lay prone on the ground as the initial shock began to wear off. A large reddish patch was spreading rapidly across his forehead. The pain barely begun fading away when the newbie sat up abruptly! [i]Woah! What next?[/i]