Evvie handled the attack the least gracefully of the three, the wind unintentionally getting caught inside the folds of her wings, which parachuted backwards and forcefully jerked her small body back out of the cave as if she was a piece of tissue paper on a particularly windy day. By the time her wing muscles were able to find the strength to snap closed she was already tumbling onto the rough grown below. She slammed down back first, scratching up the bony part of her wings a bit but otherwise leaving her rattled but unharmed thanks to her armor. She instinctively tilted her head forward to avoid smashing her unprotected skull against the ground as well. She did a single involuntary back-flip from the bounce before sliding further backwards on her stomach side this time for a couple of feet, finally skidding to a halt and throwing up a fine layer of dust and pebbles around her as she did so. As she lay there for a couple of seconds her wings gave a couple flaps to test them out, sending minor pain coursing through them that would probably make it hurt to fly for a bit, but otherwise wasn't anything she couldn't block out if she just chose to ignore it. The beast ally let out a stream of fire, which helped cover her while she got back onto her feet, brushing herself off. She then realized that she was no longer holding her staff, she looked behind her, her face taking on a "you have got to be kidding me!" look as she noticed it bouncing and rolling it's way down the side of the mountain before lodging itself behind a large boulder, going out of her view within the rocks. She stood in silence, looking back and forth between it's resting place and the battle. Her shoulders were drooped in realization of her failure. Hoping they didn't notice, she turned back to the fight and got into a similar combat stance as before, only this time raising her fists up at chest height.