Gordon opened his eyes to find himself laying far away from his seat. His head ached, he ran his hand from his forehead down to his cheeks, it was bloody. His entire body hurts. He was wasn't in a shock state, he had experienced it a lot in the field. He stood up, tilted his head And looked around. Blood was all around. Many looked dead. And some seemed badly injured who would probably wont make it. He heard people moaning in pain. Gordon took his attention to his body. He gazed down at himself to check if he was injured. "Everything seems in place" he said in his head. As he walked among the seats he kept shifting his left and right. The view was terrible. He shouted "any Doctors in here!?". No replay came back. Suddenly he heard someone shouting saying "Anyone still out there?". The voice came from out of the plane. Gordon rushed to the plane hatch. He stood in front of it. On the door was a red lever, above it was written "Emergency Lever". He pulled it. The hatch swung open as a yellow Balloon slide appeared. Gordon jumped down the slide and stood on shore. He looked around for a while. Then yelled "Am Here!".