[quote=Letmehaveone2] Virgil entered the building before walking down the halls that led to the gym. Once he arrived and entered the room, he sat on the very top bleachers as well.Joey sighed as it appeared no one in his group were in art class with. He thought to himself as he entered the art room and chose an empty seat in the front row as usual.Kelvin found the Psychology class and sat in the middle row once he entered the room._____________________________________________________________Ethan found the math class and walked to the very back of the room. He chose a seat at the far right and sat down. [/quote] Vivian looked at the blank sheet in front of her, then at the pencil sitting beside it. Her fingers lifted it up, fingertip poking at the sharp led tip. What she could do with this pencil... With the snap of her fingers on her free hand, the solid led became a powder, falling into her palm. She shook it onto the paper, thinking about an image to create with the charcoal-like substance.