@McHaggis Kali seems great! She's accepted! I'll be honest though she's the type of character I think Selina would absolutely loathe. Somehow makes her more appealing. @Sixsmith Both of em' are good to go! @Anima Nice character, she's good to go! @Revans Exile I'm going to have to say no, at this point, whether both your characters are finished or not. Your writing sample lacks coherent description and seems rushed, and the writing sample was one of the most important aspects of the CS that I had chosen to include. It's up to you, whether you want to rewrite it, or not. @Everyone I'm going to edit my characters a bit and set up a list of all presently accepted characters. We have many already, so if everyone presently accepted would like, we could start the rp tonight. That's if all you guys are on board with that. I'm in a pissy, stressed mood today, so I'll be in and out sporadically. Though I'm mostly in and out sporadically, so I guess that wasn't really worth mentioning. I have to register for classes, and I've been doing a lot of college comparison and the present college I'm attending is, I [i]think[/i] inferior in the English department when compared to another college of the same system, and god I don't know if to transfer or not. AND THEN tomorrow, when my registration appointment comes up, I'll be in class taking a MIDTERM. This absolutely sucks ass, and I'm so stressed out. Also the system I'm talking about is the CUNY system, if any of you know it, or have had experience with it. Ugh, sorry I'm ranting, but I needed to. Luckily, I'm going to rant to my friend later today, so I'll be getting my double dose of stress relief. But if I had bf/gf maybe there would be a different stress relief, you know what I mean :hehe Okay, but, pervy jokes aside, I am really stressed right now, so if I sound snappy at times, it's none of ya'll fault.