Amelia frowned as Elwis disappeared back into his relic. Maybe he would never forgive her. She shook her head, it was unlike her to give up. She listened quietly as Kito explained what happened with Elwis. Seems he had gotten an attitude. She frowned again. It was very unlike him. "I certainly hope so. Anything would be helpful to us. I will have a look around the library tomorrow morning." she looked around, then outside. It was still light enough to go out and search for some Natrelmon. She should do that. "A Sakura? They are so beautiful. I've only seen them in pictures. Oh!" Amelia had just thought of something wonderful! "If you are going to challenge the Arena, maybe we could train together! In the forest. It will be fun!" She jumped up and bounced around the lobby clapping. It would be wonderful! Amelia became very serious when Kito mentioned a natrelmon trying to frighten him away. She tapped her lips thoughtfully, she had never heard of a natrelmon like that. In all her studies, nothing. Behavior was something Amelia never had the time to study either way. "No, I don't think so. Nothing comes to mind." She folded her arms. Her mind was a steel trap, if she couldn't think of it, it was either not common or her just hasn't read it yet. Now that Kito had mentioned something trying to scare him out of the forest, Amelia became dubious about going and searching for natrelmon in the low light. Then again, a scary natrelmon in the woods would keep her and hers on edge. Yes! Plus, with Eishund, nothing would be able to sneak up on them too easily. She would need to pick up some relics before hand. "I am going to head out before it gets too dark. There may be friends to have!" she bid Kito good night and walked out of the hotel, vowing they would finish catching up tomorrow. Amelia whistled as she browsed the fine collection of relics. There were a lot of them, but she wanted something in particular. She was about to give in and buy some lovely bracelets when she found them. Charms. There were many in different colors. They were very beautiful. She ended up choosing five that she felt attracted to, paid, and clipped them to her anklet. She had chosen a ruby, opal, emerald, obsidian, and turquoise colored gems. It would be very nice to get a new natrelmon to call friend. The light of the day was starting to fade before Amelia finally found her way into the forest. She summoned Eishund from his charm as she entered the inky black wood. She stopped and looked around. As if he was reading her mind, Eishund produced his globes of Ielle and Indolu on either side to illuminate the area. Sighing, she pat Eishund on the head as a sort of comfort before walking forward. There was a high pitched shriek and a thud behind them. Amelia whirled around to see a Metosune growling. Eishund placed himself between her and their attacker returning his own snarl. Her topaz charm hummed, Crowire wanted to fight too, but she was going to have to wait. The fox lunged, snapping at Eishund's neck, but he was able to easily avoid and come back with a bite of his own on the front left leg. The attack left a bit of ice on the Metosunes fur that started to grow down its leg, causing it to stick to the ground whenever its foot rested. This slowed the fox down enough for Eishund to position his globes close enough for them to affect the enemy. Not thinking, the Metosune shot a beam of dark energy at Eishund. Amelia had always been so proud of how smart her natrelmon were. Eishund was almost always able to out maneuver any wild natrelmon they came across. This was no different. After they both avoided the attack, she realized the fox was unable to respond due to the globes. Still, it was fairly fast and quickly escaped the globes before they did any damage. "Use solar flare then radiant star." As she spoke the Globe of Ielle burned with a blinding light. This caused the Metosune to paw at its face as it tried to clear its sight. Before it could gain a clear image of what was happening, it was struck by Eishund's radiant star. The impact made it fall to the ground. Once the light died away and it appeared to be unmoving, Amelia approached. The last attack had knocked the wind out of the natrelmon and it seemed to not want to fight anymore. "Come friend," she held out the obsidian colored gem, "rest and be at ease." Metosune closed its eyes, thankful she wasn't going to kill it. The black stone glowed red as the fox was captured. She gently rubbed the stone as it faded back to its original black color. Amelia stood and looked at Eishund smiling. He was panting, but happy. Maybe it was Crowire's turn to come out. She needed the light though, so he would have to stay. "Join me, my friend." She cooed and a dark mist spouted from her topaz charm. Crowire cawed from a nearby tree. She was upset that she wasn't able to help capture their new friend. The moment was short lived as they heard a commotion just a little ways off. Upon arriving at the scene, the group realized what was happening. A Gen had taken on more than it could handle in a family of Sparwire. "Go! Crowire!" It took no more encouragement for Crowire to frighten off its younger counterparts. They scattered and could be heard squawking as they flew into the distance. Crowire landed near the Gen and ruffled her feathers before settling. She looked at the little monster tilting her head to and fro. "Oh, are you okay, little one?" Amelia kneeled next to the Gen. It had fallen on its face and hadnt moved. She wasn't sure what to do to. Gingerly she rested her hand on its soft black ball body. It twitched under her hand, then slowly rose to its feet. It stared at her with its narrow red eyes. At first, thinking it may attack, Amelia braced herself. However then she looked back, she found the Gen kneeling before her. She laughed and patted the Gen, who then glared up at her. "Sorry.. do you want to come with me?" The Gen nodded, though he was still slightly annoyed. Amelia touched the ruby colored gem on her anklet. "Come friend, rest and be at ease." The gem sparkled and shone with a bright red light before fading. "Well, I think we can stand to look for one more natrelmon!" Amelia said to Crowire and Eishund. They cried out in agreement and she laughed. They had walked for several minutes, Crowire was perched comfortably on her shoulder. Things were pretty quiet... until a growl sounded off to the right. Amelia froze and slowly turned to face the sound. She was met by an Emleaf. She stared at the creature, horrified. Eishund placed himself between the now frozen Amelia who shortly there after screamed and ran off. Crowire, startled by the random shout, fell off of her and flapped her wings to not hit the ground. The bird exchanged looks with Eishund and they followed their trainer. The Emleaf cackled before fading back into the shrubbery. The two natrelmon were able to catch up to Amelia after a few seconds. It was several minutes before she stopped. Breathing heavy, Amelia looked at her companions. "Sorry guys. Those things just really freak me out." she said between breaths. They both let out what sounded like a laugh. Crowire returned to her relic, a bit tired. Eishund stayed, he know how much Amelia hated the dark. Looking around they could tell they were in unfamiliar territory. The town was nowhere in sight and nothing could be heard. It had started to get chilly. Amelia pulled out her coat and a pair of gloves from her pack and put them on. She smiled at Eishund, slightly worried, "What are we going to do?"