[Img] http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/055/1/2/12af482ada636c8046af6458044212ec-d5w4i75.jpg[/img] Real Life Name: Roman Connors Gender: Male Age: 24 Occupation: Roman is a starving actor as well as a budding bookwriter and publisher of two books. "Inhumanity" and "The Devils you don't know". Both fiction based on tales of true stories. He has also been seen in a few B-flicks but nothing popular. Location: New York city. Reason for playing Dark World: Aside from being a part time gamer, he is also looking for some inspiration for his next book. Seeing how his past books were based on monsters (fictional or otherwise) this game would prove usefull to get the juices flowing. In Game: Name: Raziel Omahazet Gender: Male Appearance: [img] http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130611024220/warriorsofmyth/images/9/9e/Handsome-vampire-demon-incubus.jpg[/img] [Hider=True Form][img] http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/221/b/4/tyrannical_devil_by_lucasgraciano-d5agjlm.jpg[/img][/hider] Race: [hider=Devilborn] Children birthed straight from the fires of hell and born with blood from the big guy himself. All Devilborns are highly resistant to fire and stone but weak against Ice and Wind. Also known as "Children of Satan" or "Spawns" for short. [/hider] Evolution: Primal Demon-Gaining another row of teeth, larger claws and a tougher hide but Foregoing his lesser form for a slightly less powerful true form focusing more of physical combat (speed, strength, resistance) than magical or demonic power. Very easy to lose control and turn feral, killing anything without a second thought. Geist- Gaining an eerie White mist that follows wherever he goes but losing the ability to turn into his true form. It instead allows one to posess certain creatures and lower beings. Either taking over their body for himself or "request" simple suggestions in their heads. Slightly weaker in physical combat than the other versions. Overlord- An Overloards presence is quite intimidating in his true form. Gaining Large horns and a dark shroud of shadows and smoke around him, he is able to summon creatures from hell to do his bidding. Even able to "persuade" other dark or demonic creatures not summoned by him. This subclass allows him to gain a "Familiar" when not in his true form. A very low level creature that aids him.