[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Cuttersbury - Trail towards Drych Lake[/u][/b] Despite her best intentions, Moira ended up joining many of the others in losing her balance as they fell. As did Syed, except Syed falling over was nothing noteworthy whatsoever. He blinked rapidly as the pair scrambled back to their feet, his gaze darting to Trixie and back as he remembered her words. "...No way. This is just... this is rediculous!" he exclaimed. "I... I don't know!" he added in response to Nani. "I've never met a friendly one though!" He shook his head a little to clear his mind, before making a couple of rapidfire gestures and throwing an arm out towards a Varren as it went to shoot towards him. Of course, his electricity simply dissipated on it's scales. Welp. He dived out of the way and decided he had to reevaluate the situation, glancing towards the others and gauging how he could be of use without either his bolts or shields. Moira remained on the spot, holding her greatsword out to deflect any incoming projectiles. "Oi oi oi, you ain't gonna be any use sitting on the floor like that," she added to Jett, spitting to one side. In one swift movement she shot one hand forward, grabbing hold of a Varren as it leapt towards Aria from behind and using her vast strength to throw it back to it's brethren. Her actions did little more than daze it, but it could help Aria get a bit of a breather at least. "Estelle!" Moira's head span around at her partner's shout, spotting Estelle with a complexion to match her hair. Heh. Some things never change. She twisted on one foot as she went to run towards her leader, lifting her greatsword in the air in a stabbing movement... ...And was sent flying as a Varren bodily collided into her side. The creature had curled up into a spikey ball and span, launching itself into the air at her. The blow caused a horrible screaching noise as it ground against the metal plating of her armor, before Moira hit the floor hard a few feet away with a loud curse. Of course, as always Syed was sent flying after like he was attached to a rubber band. Meanwhile the Varren continued to attack - one popping up behind Quentin for a suprise attack, another rolling straight towards Jett. A third burrowed underneath Lute with the intent to once more make the earth beneath him unstable. And another leapt out of a hole close to Amy, aiming a swipe at that beautiful, bitchy face.