Name: Cristian Hill Age: 22 Appearance: [hider=Pic][img][/img]Has dark green eyes and a red scar under his right eye[/hider] Armor: [hider=Mask of the 3rd man][img][/img][/hider], [hider=Young Ahamkara’s Spine][img][/img][/hider], [hider=Ghost Angel][img][/img][/hider], [hider=Astrolord Boots][img][/img][/hider], [hider=Strength of the pack cloak][img][/img][/hider] Primary: [hider=Doctor Nope auto rifle][img][/img][/hider] Secondary: [hider=Patience and Time sniper rifle][img][/img][/hider] Class: Hunter History: Born on Christmas day you would think would be great, though not for Cristian he hated it since his parent’s still managed to forget his birthday and all their attention and focus went to making the house look perfect on Christmas. Thinking that this was normal he soon got over it until he went to school and all his friend’s always threw these fantastic parties where as he couldn’t since all his friends were always busy with family on Christmas day. Finally in High school he managed to start having his own parties though not for very long cause then the war started and he was drafted. Boot camp was the toughest experience he had ever gone through though he managed to succeed in that with flying color's though he was still put on the short list because of his defect's and nobody would take him, he couldn't believe he had gone through all that training and they had him just as a lone Guardian even after all that training he had gone through he thought that he had earned a little respect by now, though finally the order came through that he was being parred up with an old Veteran partner, Crisian couldn't wait to prove himself to someone finally, hopefully he wouldn't choke. Medical history: Since he was born he had a chest deformity that made it stick out and a hole was in the center of his chest, it didn’t effect him physically but everyone thought it did so he wasn’t allowed to play in physical sport’s, football, etc. The extra flap to his heart didn’t help the situation which made it harder for him to breath in cold weather if he did a lot of physical activity though later on as he grew up he managed to overcome it . Personality: Smart, dull humor, sarcastic, know it all, takes his job seriously, friendly, hot head Heroic actions: Best in his class in boot camp and even managed to save the instructor's life in a bomb disarming class when one of the student's disarmed it wrong and turned a dead bomb into a live device that blew got a purple heart for taking shrapnel to the arm and a silver star for saving the instructor's life. Attributes: Normal armor, Fast, recovery is low, Blade dance class Wisdom: 20 Strength: 20 Discipline:20 Birth date: December, 25, 1992