"Mac! I sent off the ones that we felt was the best candidates. I hope that a few of them will accept the terms. The Mother ready to go? And Gus? Is the bus running well?" Professor Gustav or just Doc, spoke as he walked into the large shop. "Good. They might. Yes, yes and yes. Now we wait. Let's eat." came the gruff response from Mac as he came out of the bus. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Letters arrived in the mail boxes and they read as follows: Dear Prospective Space Traveler, You have been chosen to be one of the few who will have this unique opportunity of your life time. You will be allowed 150 pounds of luggage. You will earn $10,000 for a summers worth of work. You can also earn more rewards as you work. Plan on being gone for the summer. Also all food, housing, fuel and other expenses will be furnished. The date to arrive is June 1. Be at this warehouse- 20205 Country Estates. Sincerely, Professor 'Doc' Gustov A student laughed at the letter after opening it. "I can't believe that the old Doc is still in business! Time travel is not at all possible......... My older brother went through a boring summer with that loony professor." The student then tossed the letter in the nearest trash can.