Aldred's attention was turned to the woman who strolled in with a wolf, his eyes went wide in surprise for a moment as he looked at the canine, if that was coming along he hoped it was well trained. He never liked wolves that much, back during the war he spent many days in the wilderness where he could gear their howls in the night, he was almost able to feel their predatory eyes watching Aldred and his companions as they moved through the woods those many years ago. He's give this one a chance if it was to be a package deal with the woman. "It's not an issue, I expected some people to show up later than others, it's a hell of a stroll to get into this town. I'm Aldred by the way." He said to Bregil, shaking her hand firmly, a friendly smile on his face. "I understand, as long as you simply are committed to the cause and don't do anything that could have us all killed then we won't have any issues." Aldred said with a nod to Lander as Sipley spoke. "Well, the rumors have been going for weeks now, unusual sights in the north, large figures roaming where they have never before and even stranger reports of great things in the skies. If it is a set up by our mysterious benefactors, then I am impressed to go to such lengths if they wish to kill us." He said, then paused as he sat back down in his seat, drinking from his glass once more. "Besides, why would they want us dead? I'm an ex vanguard who took on an alias after the war in order to not cause any trouble. I doubt they're orcs, those are the only ones I can think of that would want me dead. Then there's some of the others, for example, a convicted pirate, why would they have him released just to kill him? I think they're just concerned people, honestly." Aldred said, looking at Sipley as he finished his drink, placing the empty glass to the side. "My elf friend is correct, nothing. You're not late." Aldred said to Sonia, as he leaned back in his seat.