I do have this mocked up for you: http://pirate-age.boards.net/ - Complete with a fully-functioning back-up forum (you can see the IC/OOC) - Complete with archive; as of now, the archive could simply be a dump for every current IC-post; by request, I could also make individual archive threads per [b]player[/b] for their own assurance - Complete with a functioning portal that includes a profile center and chatango - Added community section that can evolve upon requests and give added functionality to provide more features than just being a back-up/archive - Although wide screen users might find the size of the site a bit off, it's actually meant to be tablet-and-phone friendly; keeping it lightweight in the event of guildfall - Fairly simple to use with basic BBCode and profile editing options; I choose it over other sites, such as weebly or zetaboards, due it its simplicity without sacrificing stability, reliability and functionality. No lag, little downtime. - Possibility for expansion through Plug-ins. (I didn't delve too deep into these possibilities as I didn't want to invest too much of my own time to be shot down) - I can also add and edit pages as we see fit to throw on the rules, wanted posters, etc or we could simply make individual boards for such. Anyway, this is just a rough draft. I went through Invisionfree, zetaboards, freewebs and a couple other hosting sites to see which had the greatest ease of use, lowest learning curve and best overall look (as you might have guessed, I prefer dark tones). Throw in whatever advice or input you want. Fox, as a graphic designer, might be able to spruce up another more customized theme, or we can just stick with this one. Editing this particular forum is fairly easy, so I can likely assist in such an endeavor. My goal was to combine functionality with ease of use.