[center][b]Enjoying a Day in Amegakure! Reyna and Kuni spending time together.[/b] [i]A collab between Chromehound and Mr Nim and an unwelcome visitor[/i][/center] [hider=A Nice Day in Amegakure] Walking towards the inner part of Amegakure, Kuni couldn't help but feel like this would turn out to be a nice day. She turned to look at the girl to her side [b]"So, Reyna, tell me, whats it like in Kumogakure? I was there once but couldn't really stay there for more than a day. It looks like a really cool place so I was slightly disappointed I couldn't stay and see a bit more of it."[/b] She asked, motioning to the Kumogakure headband part that was on her body. She also sent a friendly smile to her, to try and make the other girl feel a bit more comfortable. They had been walking for some time, and Reyna still didn't know exactly how to feel. At first she was nervous and awkward. Kuni was a shinobi from another village after all, and they had only just met. As they had travelled further into the village, Reyna had started to grow a little more comfortable. Realizing that Kuni had just asked her something, she snapped out of her thoughts and turned to the other girl, offering a brief smile. [b]"It's hard to describe really... It's big, and very different from here... Not that it's better or anything, I don't mean it like that...[/b] Fumbling over her words for a second, Reyna cursed herself for being so nervous. [b]"There are a lot of beautiful mountains, and it can be kind of... peaceful sometimes."[/b] Turning away for a second, she looked up to the sky, enjoying the feel of the gentle rain falling upon her face. [b]"Amegakure seems like a nice place though too. What... uh, what's it like here?"[b] Smiling at the description of Reyna, Kuni did a little spin as they kept walking [b]"Well, here its almost constantly raining. Most of the time its not too strong like the rain we are having right now, but sometimes it can be extremely heavy rain too. We also get breaks from the rain from time to time, but they aren't very often. I don't mind the rain one bit though. It really helps keep me calm and relaxed, and I prefer it over sunny weather, if being honest. But besides that, Amegakure isnt that big, and as you can see, it has lots of buildings, but its still nice. I think most people know nearly lots of others here, and that makes things better."[/b] She said and moved her hand through her wet hair before messing it up a bit and then looking forward [b]"We're almost at where I wanted to bring you to. I'd like to introduce to you the Amegakure Market!"[/b] She said and jumped in front of Reyna while making a gesture towards an average looking market with a rather large net spreading above the many stalls, preventing the rain from reaching the market itself [b]"Because its constantly rain here people need to get many supplies from other villages, but we still have a share of things that keep on growing here."[/b] Kuni said before she kept on going towards the market. Letting out a small giggle as Kuni very eagerly pointed out the market, Reyna looked around. It was a quaint little place, similar to the one in Kumo, and yet... so very different. [b]"It's really nice Kuni-san..."[/b] Stepping into the marketplace, Reyna began looking at the many stalls and shops that filled it. [b]"Do you come here often?"[/b] She asked Kuni, her attention still focused on the market. [b]"Well, I come here every couple of days for food supplies. I live on my own because my mother died from a mugging over two years ago. My sensei also ensures I am fine, but seeing he has his own daughter, he cannot look after me all the time, so I've learned how to cook and take care of myself with his help. I think I might know how to cook better than him, but don't tell him I said that."[/b] Kuni said and stuck out her tongue as they went between the stalls. She then approached a fruit stall and thought about taking a papaya for her and Reyna, but decided to go for a mango instead. She grabbed a couple of mangos and took out her wallet [b]"I hope you like mangos, because I'd hate eating two on my own."[/b] She said as she paid for the fruit. She then turned to her new friend and handed one of the mangos to her. Her eyes widening briefly in surprise, Reya turned back to face Kuni. [b]"I... I'm sorry Kuni-san, that must have been hard."[/b] Glancing towards the fruit stand, she stared at the strange fruit that Kuni was buying. [b]"I... I don't actually think I have ever had a mango..."[/b] Reyna responded, a little embarrassed. The fruit looked tasty, and yet Reyna felt guilty about Kuni buying something for her. [b]''Reyna.''[/b] A tjirp said. It had a very serious tone and only then, after a second or two, the bird would land on Reyna's shoulder. It had watched Reyna all the time and was very disappointed. The only task that Michi had was almost ruined due Reyna being an utterly naive child. But it was Reyna, so Michi wasn't much be surprised. [b]''What were you supposed to do after your match? Don't tell me that your brain is that small that it can't remember simple things like that.''[/b] Now it was more than clear that the bird wasn't happy with the girl. Running around as a jinchuriki in a foreign country without any supervision? This girl.. As a bird suddenly landed on Reyna's shoulder, Kuni was somewhat surprised as first. A bird was in charge of Reyna? At least, thats what it sounded it as it spoke to her. Hearing the bird not wanting to let her have any fun made Kuni's eye twitch. Basically, Reyna's freedom was limited. That was not acceptable. Grabbing a firm hold of Reyna's arm, she put a bit of pressure on it, knowing what will happen next. She smiled to her new friend and then sent her a blink with her eye, trying to let her know what she was planning [b]"You are a bird. You can't be incharge of Reyna."[/b] Kuni suddenly said in a clear voice, hoping to attract the bird's attention. The warning of Michi chirping behind her was enough to keep her lightning aura from flaring to life as he landed on her shoulder. Turning her head towards the sparrow with a confused look in her eyes, she didn't know what to say at first. Before she could formulate a proper reply, she felt Kuni grip her arm tightly, and turned her attention back to the other girl just in time to catch her wink. Confusion tore through Reyna... [i]What is going on...?[/i] She thought to herself, torn between wanting to spend time with the first person she had met outside of her village that seemed genuinely friendly, and the risk of her disappointing Michi and, by extension, Lady Asami. [b]"Michi-sama, I... I did not mean... I just wanted to go and see a bit of the village with Kuni-san... I didn't think... Nobody came to see me after the match, so I assumed it would be okay..."[/b] Reyna's voice sounded just as confused as she felt. When she heard Kuni try to stick up for her, she felt a brief flash of warmth. Nobody had really stuck up for her before... But... Michi wasn't someone that Reyna wanted to mess with. [b]"It... it is okay Kuni-san, Michi-sama is a friend..."[/b] She said to the other girl, hoping to clear things up. The bird paid no attention to Kuni. It cocked his head to the right at the words, but it seemed that the girl wasn't worth his attention nor breath. Glancing at Reyna, the bird stayed silent when the silly girl proclaimed that the sparrow was her friend. Odd, cause Michi couldn't see Reyna being a friend of his. Such naivity in a person didn't attract Michi to be friendly to Reyna. [b]''We should go.''[/b] Michi said with a very clear tone. [b]"Reyna shouldn't go anywhere except where she wants to. She is a visitor to a different village and that means she has a chance to see a brand new place and learn new things about it. She also has a chance to meet new people. If you prevent her all of that, you may as well just prevent her from leaving her house, because she won't be living her life like this. I am not saying that she needs to completely ignore you, but let her explore a bit. If you need to look after her, then just do that. Look after Renya and ensure she doesn't do anything out of line."[/b] Kuni said in a clear tone, but also made it louder than before, seeing the bird decided to not even give her a glance. She then let go of Reyna's arm and rose her hand that held the mango a bit [b]"Experiencing new things is a part of life. Its what makes us wiser and stronger."[/b] She said with a smile to Reyna. Glancing back and forth between Kuni and the sparrow, she wondered what to do. On one hand, Kuni was making a good point, but on the other, Michi already disliked her, and Reyna didn't wish to give the sparrow any further reasons to hate her. [b]"Michi-sama..."[/b] She began. [b]''You know it.''[/b] Michi spread out his wings. He hadn't listen to Kuni, cause he didn't see a need to do so. The girl was just blabbering about something that wasn't important. Or at least, the start wasn't. [b]''I am going back. With or without you. Now.''[/b] With a short hop, he would go off Reyna's shoulder to then fly away already in the other direction. Seeing the bird hop from Reyna's shoulder and fly away, and how Renya responded to the bird made Kuni somewhat disappointed [b]"This Michi bird isnt friendly one bit. He reminds me of one of those soldiers from over a year and a half ago. Just following their orders, not caring for what the others feel or think. Just do whatever they need to do. If you go with him back to where ever you are supposed to go, then I guess I will be mistaken about you, because you seemed like someone who would like to see new places and learn new things."[/b] She said, letting go of Reyna's hand and looking at the mango in her hand instead. Hearing mention of the soldiers that had tried to stop everyone from using chaka, Reyna couldn't stop the shiver that went through her. Turning to face Kuni again, a sad look in her eyes, Reyna shook her head. [b]"That's... that's not it Kuni-san... It's just... I have a responsibility... I made a promise to someone and... and it means that there are some things that I have to sacrifice."[/b] She could feel tears beginning to well up behind her eyes, threatening to spill out. Fighting to regain her composure, Reyna looked down. [b]"I wish to thank you Kuni, for being so kind, and for trying to show me your village. I hope... I hope that maybe some day we can hang out freely, please forgive me."[/b] Looking down, Kuni sighed. Reyna had responisibilties and made a promise to someone to give up her own freedom for that person? That sounded to her like one of the most idiotic moves there are [b]"You promised someone to give up your freedom? Thats... very disappointing. I'm Ame's Jinchuuriki and you don't hear me say that I go around do things like that."[/b] She said with an annoyed tone as her expression also changed into a more irritated one. Seeing Kuni's expression change, Reyna's eyes narrowed. Then she clued in to something. So... Kuni was also a jinchuriki? She hadn't expected that at all... Still, Reyna felt a brief flare of anger as she felt Kuni's judgement. They had just met, and this other girl thought she knew how Reyna should act. [b]"Sorry if I am a dissappointment to you, but I made a choice to keep those close to me safe. As a jinchuriki I'd think that should be something you could understand."[/b] Shaking her head sadly, Reyna didn't really know what to do. Now Kuni was surprised and felt bad. She had hurt Reyna's feelings by being her regular, too open self [b]"I'm sorry. I have a tendency of saying what I think before realising it too often. If I had known you were a Jinchuuriki as well then of course it makes sense. It makes a lot of sense. Although I am still very unhappy about it, but thats because a further blockade was forced on me. Seeing you chose to do that, I can say that at least you have more freedom than I do right now. Even the bird only told you that he is heading back, and didn't force you back, so it actually gave you a choice."[/b] She said and looked down at the ground [b]"So again, I'm sorry if I have hurt you. If you wish to go back to the bird then I won't say anything else about it, but I hope you will at least allow me to accompany you on the way there."[/b] She said and looked back at Reyna, hoping she will accept her offer. Thinking carefully for a long moment, Reyna finally nodded and smiled. [b]"I can't see any harm in that. Just... just know that I am sorry. Michi-sama can come across as unkind, but he is simply very protective and loyal. So please... don't think too poorly of him."[/b] Reyna briefly wondered why she was defending the sparrow, but then she realized that what she was saying was true... or, at least it was what she had seen. It was strange, but she found that at least a small part of her wished for the bird's approval, regardless of how their 'relationship' had started. [b]"If you would be willing to come back with me Kuni-san, I would love the company."[/b] Nodding, a smile came back to Kuni's face [b]"Alrighty! Perhaps I'll have a chance to show you another place on the way back from the distance. Anyway, I assume that you are staying at the hotel that have been set up for all the participants and visitors, so lets head there."[/b] She said and start to walk in the direction leading back to the Training Facilities, as not far from them were the quarters. She then took out a kunai and begun peeling the mango with it [b]"You need to peel the fruit before eating it. Its really sweet and nice, I think you'll enjoy it."[/b] She said and glanced at Reyna as the two would walk to their new destination. Holding the strange new fruit, Reyna smiled. Pulling out her own kunai, she slowly began peeling the mango, before raising it to her mouth and taking a tentative bite. Letting the taste sink in for a moment, Reyna paused, before her eyes widened. [b]"This ish dewish--"[/b] Realizing her mouth was full, she quickly raised her free hand to cover her mouth, blushing profusely. [b]"So--sorry... I meant to say that this taste's really good."[/b] Taking a bite from her peeled mango, Kuni watched with amusement as Reyna nearly spoke with her mouth full and then apologized for it. Kuni swallowed her own bite and let out a small laugh [b]"It's fine. I'm glad you like it. Its one of my favorite fruits so I glad to hear that you are enjoying it."[/b] She said with a wide smile as they kept walking. Looking a bit around, she saw one of the smaller parks Amegakure had to offer, even if it was just a small dirt road with a few benches among some trees and some bushes [b]"Thats one of the little gardens Amegakure has. There are a couple more of those, and one park that is rather big. I would've taken you there if we had time, but you need to get to your flying watcher."[/b] She said and took another bite from her mango, chewing slowly as she kept looking around, trying to think about other things that she could show Reyna. Reyna was focused intently on the deliciously juicy fruit in her hands, to the point of only hearing half of what Kuni said. Lifting her head to react, she quickly wiped away the juice from her face before smiling. [b]"Perhaps another time, Kuni-san? They indeed look quite beautiful."[/b] Eyeing the gardens as they passed, Reyna felt another brief twinge of sadness at the fact that she would not likely be allowed to roam around and explore. As it was, she was probably already in a lot of trouble, and she only hoped that Michi didn't force her to stay inside that stuffy hotel room the entire time she was here. [b]"Your village is pretty so far Kuni-san. Thank you for showing it to me, and... for keeping me company..."[/b] Smiling at the compliment Reyna gave Amegakure and her thanks, Kuni lowered her mango [b]"Its nothing really. My sensei is probably busy with his daughter and the other person that I hope is around is probably busy with her children or seeing other exams. So I figured that I could pass the time by making a new friend and have some enjoyable time with her."[/b] She said and looked at Reyna [b]"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that you were the last choice. There are lots of other things I should do. But hanging out with you is probably the most fun one out of all of them, even if its just talking with you and getting to know you."[/b] She said and her smile widened a bit before she took another bite from the mango. Giggling, Reyna smiled, [b]"Well then I thank you Kuni-san. Maybe, if Michi-sama lets me, I can introduce you to my teammates! They are super nice as well, and I think you'd like them!"[/b] Her thoughts travelled back to Midori and Deidara, wondering how they were doing. She was sad that she hadn't gotten to see Deidara fight, but maybe if they made it back in time, she could congratulate him! Surely he was going to win, Deidara was strong and more than capable of taking care of himself. Wanting to pick up her pace so that she could see them as quickly as possible, Reyna turned towards Kuni. [b]"Race you there?"[/b] Slightly surprised at the sudden suggestion, Kuni kept the wide smile on her face [b]"You're on.[/b] She said and then started to run without a warning ahead [b]"I never said that I race fair!"[/b] She shouted to Reyna, hoping to tease her into giving everything she had as she kept moving forward. Smiling widely, Reyna took off after the other girl. Kuni was fast, but so was she. It took awhile to catch up to the other girl, as Kuni had given herself an unexpected headstart, but Reyna was determined not to be beaten so easily. Putting on an extra burst of speed, she managed to pull ahead of Kuni, grateful that her lightning aura kept healing her muscles while she strained them, making it possible for her to run further without having to stop. Kuni had the advantage of knowing the village much better, so Reyna would have to use whatever she could if she hoped to beat her. Seeing Reyna pass her made Kuni smile. She always liked a good challenge, but she figured that if Reyna won in the exam then she shouldn't let her win against her in a race. Taking steady breathes, she pushed herself forward and used her energetic body to pass Reyna and start getting a head start on her. She could clearly see the hotel in the distance, so she put even more effort into her running and kept pushing herself forward, not wanting to use any chakra to avoid any risk of suddenly feeling dizzy or such. Darting between the obstacles in her path, Reyna attempted to catch up with Kuni. She wasn't as fast on her feet as the other girl, but she had her ways. Charging herself internally using her lightning aura, Reyna quite literally forced her body to work faster. Pushing through the crowd, she began to make up the distance. The hotel was getting closer and closer, and Reyna wasn't sure she would fully catch up in time. Pushing herself, she managed to get into within a few steps but it was too late. They reached the hotel and Reyna skidded to a halt, her lightning aura briefly sparking around her before receding back within her body. [b]"I must admit, you are very fast Kuni-san."[/b] Stopping in front of the hotel, Kuni turned to see Reyna skid to a halt behind her. Smiling at the compliment given, she rubbbed the back of her head [b]"Thanks, but because I always have so much energy I just run a lot around Amegakure. If you ever meet my sensei then he can tell you how much energy I have. He'll probably say something like too much."[/b] She said and then looked at the hotel for a moment before looking back at Reyna [b]"Well, I guess this is where we say goodbye, and hopefully see each other soon. Though you can bet that I will be cheering for you in the next round of the Chuunin Exams. Also, you are pretty fast as well."[/b] She said and gave Reyna a wide smile, realising she should probably return a compliment as well. Grinning back, Reyna blushed slightly. Giggling at her comment of having too much energy, she spoke. [b]"Thank you Kuni-san. I... It was nice getting to spend some time with you today. Thank you for your kindness."[/b] Looking up at the hotel, she felt a brief twinge of guilt and sadness knowing that she had to go back to her duties now. Not sure what else to say, she simply bowed her head and smiled. Slightly surprised Reyna bowed her head towards her, Kuni merely returned the smile and then looked back in the direction of the arenas [b]"Well, I'm gonna try and see if I can maybe find my sensei in the arenas. I'll see you when I see you!"[/b] She said before starting to head away, doing a light jog in the direction of the Training Facilities. She wondered where Eiji might be at and if he was worried about her or not. She hoped he wasn't and that he was waiting for her somewhere, most likely disappointed that she gave up but also understanding why she did that. Turning as Kuni ran off, Reyna sighed. Walking towards the entrance of the hotel, she wondered where Michi was. Pushing open the door, Reyna stepped inside. [i]Let's get this over with.[/i] [/hider]