"I will try to refrain from doing anything strange." Dimitri said before he sat down and listened intently to what Felicia said all the while visually following her gesture towards the group of large positives. "I do not remember high school, however this does seem familiar." he said as he watched the group. Dimitri's pupils seemed to constrict slightly as he studied each member of the group before the boy pointed to one of the positives who would roll his shoulder after raising and lowering his weapon as if to show off its weight. "All of their posturing seems to be to both mentally pump themselves up and decrease the odds of being attacked, standard display driven by testosterones, however the actions they take display their weaknesses as well...", Dimitri trailed off as he pointed to the one who had rolled his shoulder, "That one there for example, he seems to have some sort of damage in his socket, or perhaps in his axillary or radial nerve. That may be useful to exploit in a fight." Dimitri mused aloud, seemingly more so to himself than to Felicia.