[quote=Free Faller] Well, that was a complete waste of the entire squadron of helicopters and drones I tasked to find you... who apparently are not very good at their jobs. One would think that was the first place they'd have looked. Guess I'll just have to re task them to find Aweena... she could be anywhere in that vast white wasteland she calls Canada. Also, what kind of crazy deer are you all hunting that are 900lbs? An elk? When I hear "deer" I assume either a whitetail (most common deer in the States) or mule deer, which I would straight up murder for food in an apocalypse.Even the big bruiser bucks weigh like max 300lbs, half that when you gut them, and half that again for actual edible meaty bits. That's like 75lbs of meat for the biggest one you could possibly find. Realistically I would say, if you know how to properly skin and quarter a deer and didn't ruin some of the meat with whatever you shot it with, you'd get like 30-40lbs of meat. Wouldn't even think twice shooting one. [/quote] Still you need to include the additional weigh we are still carrying alongside the deer though as I said, and admit, I've not researched this. Mostly I'm just taking what ever knowledge you all bestow on me until I can establish it as fact. Lazy, I know but still. There's other things to consider as well. The time and effort to preserve, salt and cook the meat is at least a long process and in this world you likely can't batten down without some safety measures. Without that, that meat won't last long without spoiling and then its not able to be eaten without making someone ill. At least that's what I think. So even with the deer weight being lowered, it still might not be a good idea unless you make a safe spot before hand to prepare the meat. Besides, hauling that deer around is rather tiring over long distances before you can cut into it without a zombie trying to chew your face off. XD You have to give me that at least FF.