Preface: I'm going to attempt to play a more powerful, federated successor to the African Union. It's massive, and I realize that, and I'd be willing to shave it down. A great deal of its constituent states are still suffering from poverty and instability, however, and it won't, as a whole, be capable of projecting much power due to this. It's much more economically powerful than the Africa of 2014, but it still has to get its affairs in order. [center][img=][/center] [center][i]'Baada ya dhiki faraja.'[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] The Sub-Saharan International Congress [b]Constituency:[/b] Presiding Executive Council: South Africa, Nigeria, Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana Member States in Good Standing: Sudan, Tanzania, Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire, Uganda, Zambia, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Senegal, Namibia, Mauritius, Madagascar, Benin, Niger, Guinea, Malawi, Swaziland, Eritrea, Cape Verde, Djibouti, Seychelles, Gambia Transitional Members (Ruled by SSIC Mandate): Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Chad, Mali (Civil War, SSIC Forces Deployed), Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi, Lesotho, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau, Comoros, Sao Tome and Principe Sanctioned and Suspended Members: Mauritania (Sanctions/Intervention on Human Rights Record), Togo (Disbarred Pending Presidential Referendum), Sudan and South Sudan (Peacekeepers Deployed on Border, Both Parties Disbarred), Burkina Faso (Sanctioned Pending Illegal Constitutional Referendum/Coup), Zimbabwe (Disbarred Pending Military Coup, Intervention Proposed) [b]Government Type:[/b] The SSIC is a federalized inter-governmental organization composed of semi-sovereign constituent states. Openly advocates a transition to secular, capitalistic democracy among its member states. (Will expand upon this when I have the time.) [b]Military:[/b] (TBD. Let's just say for now that the SSIC military wears its NATO inspiration on its sleeve. It's a multinational force with each state contributing materiel and personnel. The SSIC maintains a strategic nuclear force as a 'deterrence strategy' and has banned its members from producing, importing, and using chemical and biological warfare and weaponry.) [b]Economy:[/b] (TBD. The SSIC boasts some of the fastest growing economies on the planet.) [b]Foreign Policy:[/b] (TBD. Seeks business partners worldwide. Sensitive of foreign criticism of 'domestic affairs'. Cautious of international military entanglements.) [b]History:[/b] (TBD. Rose from the ashes of WW3 and the collapse of all the international institutions that mattered. Its mandate is the mutual defense of all member states, the promotion of democracy and prosperity in the African continent, and the rehabilitation of African 'failed states'.) [b]Foes:[/b] (TBD. Friendly to all, but not exactly friends with anyone. Wary of Arab neighbors.) [b]Population:[/b] (TBD. It's a lot. A lot a lot.) [b]Other:[/b]