[quote=Olimario948] Since there are no groups yet:Name of Group:(Obvious) Islamic Volunteer forceType:(Is it some type of company or a terrorist cell?) Armed Militia/Terrorist cellAssets:(What its controls, you can include land in this but don't make it to big, your not a country after all.) Has many bases across the Muslim world including several factories which allows production of armored vehicles.Personnel:(Amount of people employed or in the group) 1,739,192,719 History:(Obvious) The IVF was formed in 2016 by Sabri Rahaim as a Terrorist cell within Afghanifstan but over time it grew into a small militia and by 2020 it became a powerhouse containing thousands of Muslim men who wanted to fight for there faith. The IVF committed hundreds of attacked on Non-Muslim Religious sites killing many in the process.When WW3 began the IVF began to lay low and let the various nations destroy each other as it continued too grow in strength. Finally after WW3 ended it quickly began to attack various locations across the world and became the most successful terrorist cell in the world. Today it continues too become stronger and now desires a state of it's own.Foes:(Same as nation) All non-Muslims. [/quote] While there are a lot of muslims outside of the middle east, I don't think there are nearly two billion.