[b][url=@Liriia] [url=Jess is accepted. He's absolutely lovely. Also, I have no idea where you found that picture, but the person is fucking gorgeous.][/b] [quote=McHaggis] [img=http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/scotland-flag.jpg] [/quote] *Gasp* The Scottish flag has appeared! [quote=Sixsmith] [img=http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/236x/ff/c2/a2/ffc2a2c1d06c96750c099f7e3cd16d31.jpg] Perfection. Percival is open to confessions. That's ten Hail Mary's. [/quote] LMFAOOOO ALSO SCREW STUDYING. Nah, I'm just taking a break. Honestly, I believe my recitation professor has prepared my class for the lecture mid more than the lecture professor. I mean, she seems like a nice lady, but god she is sooo timid when explaining things, and explains the bare minimum. Though it's worth noting that our first exam thus far had everything she taught us, and nothing she never reviewed. But she is just so...spacey and scared looking? Like you could yell at her and she wouldn't assert her authority. Or like she's afraid to explain some of the stuff she's teaching. Meh. Anyways, I'm off to add Jess to the character links on the front page. I'm working on a post, as well. I figure we could start, as we already have quite a large group. If we need more characters, I'll go people hunting.