"So... you really don't know anything..." said Shadwell. "Alright, here's the short version. There are two hundred and one test subjects, a hundred of them positive, like us, a hundred of them negative, on another facility, and Zero, a powerhouse and referee of sorts. We were created with the purpose of fighting each other, to decide who is the "ultimate test subject", despite the fact that it's clearly Zero. Each one of us has a Rune somewhere in our body. When another test subject touches our rune, we lose all our powers: We are out of the competition. Of course, killing is also a way to remove a test subject from the competition. If a normal human touches our rune, they become our partner, which basically means that we get stronger and they fight alongside us, but we die if they die. Oh, and no one seems to know what happens when we touch our own rune. Now you see why I'm being so suspicious?"