Tiffany looked up at Jorn, giving him a weak smile. "Thank you, i-it's alright." She sucked in a breath. now was not the time to be weak. Here were others, just like her, going through everything she was, and they weren't crying or breaking down. "Hey, I'm not sure if you believe me, but I broke my right index finger just a while back and...well, it kinda healed up already." Tiffany glanced back up at Jorn as he said this, surprised and worried. Why was he breaking his fingers? Was that something people normally did when they found out they were possessed? She guessed they were the only ones who had this experience. "Y-you shouldn't do that, even if we are... immortal." Tiffany hadn't thought of it before, but compared to her past she was relatively healthy. She flashed back to all the times she had been so sick she was bed ridden. She knew more about the doctors that treated her than her own classmates, which she had rarely interacted with. Now, she supposed, there wouldn't be a chance to talk to people without this condition normally, not without the voice ranting about how they were liars every time they told a fib. God, Lies was worse than any teacher with its constant lectures. She was about to reach out to him for comfort, but was interrupted by Katherin walking back into the room, along with a man who wasn't there previously. Tiffany lowered her hand, wondering about the man. Was he the 'death' that Katherin had spoke- written of? She listened to the conversation, accepting a drink. She swallowed some, before holding the can and swirling the rest around inside of it. "Um, so, does anyone want to, uh, tell me a lie and something true or something?" She hoped that would prove she wasn't crazy, just like the other girl, Evelyn, who had proven sane a few minutes ago.