A second gust sent the flames back at their source, bursting free of the mouth of the cave and almost instantly melting a significant portion of the snow that rested on the plateau. Unless the wolf-man had managed to move himself, the flames would strike him as well, though Arthur held little hope that they would cause any damage. If he could harness that much heat from within himself and not combust, it was hard to imagine that the outside was any less inflammable. Even before the flames had died, Arthur burst forward in the wake of his counter-attack, using his ability to grip the walls, floor, and ceiling of the cave and pull himself toward the wolfman at a pace that a human eye would be unable to register, in spite of the intense backdraft that would be occurring. As he neared, his hands reached out to grasp both the bottom and top of the wolf's jaws and pull them closed, cutting off the flames before they could do anything more than burn a hole through the suit vest and dress shirt he wore. Hot as they were, he had little fear of damage from such brief exposure, even at this close a range. If the grab was successful he would deliver a small electrical charge, one meant to render the other man's limbs rigid and unresponsive in order to prevent a counterattack, and fling him bodily back into the cave by the muzzle.