Scorn finally stood from her chair deciding on what her next move would be. For now she couldn't be bothered with finding Lady Asyr as much as part of he rwished to do so. She would be patient and wait for that moment. She would let others find Lady Asyr for her and when she got the chance, she would snatch Asyr and bring her back to her humble abode. Despite Scorn's psychotic and insane nature, her mind was a rather calculative one. A grin was on her face as she burst through the doors of her room and came out upon her gang of merry henchmen who were still celebrating."All right boys and girls, enough celebrating we have work to do and I don't mean petty thievery and bank robberies. Oh no with Asyr out of the picture I'll need things done swiftly for my little bash on the town and everything must be perfect. Yes it will be duller without the heroine trying to save the town for who else can stop the one called Scorn, the one who makes even the devil cringe with fear and does not want her. So stop your drinking and get to working or I'll show you why I'm the meanest one of them all." Without even a blink of hesitation her gang disbanded and got to work as fast as possible, knowing that it was best to remain on Scorn's good side unless they wanted to meet an early end in life. Scorn watched with satisfaction before letting out a sigh."Tis a shame Asyr you might not be here around the holiday season but fear not for I'm going to give you my dear gift early. I'm sure you love it, it is quite a bang!" Scorn said to herself laughing hysterically and walking down the tunnels that were her gang's private home. She imagined it as a mansion but in truth they were nothing more then the abandoned tunnels of old subway and train lines. They had kicked out all the squatters and made it home, now only they knew all the twists and turns to reach the lair of Scorn that resided in the labyrinth of old tunnels.