The rest of the afternoon Caelyn spent with Eishund wandering Toran. He saw many strange Natrelmon he did not recognize, and some he did. Eishund struggled to maintain her calm when they walked past the docks where they were bringing in fresh fish haul. "Eishund come on its getting dark, we need to be getting back." Eishund whimpered as if not wanting to obey, so Caelyn made her return to her relic and decided that the walk home would have to be alone. "Stubborn ass dog. Sorry girl, but i will make it up to you later ok? We just really need to get back to the inn before it gets too late. On the return to the inn, Caelyn was attacked. His stomach roared at him and cursed his name. It seemed to say "How dare you neglect me!?" Caelyn sighed. He had just spent a lot of money on the Natrelmon relics he had purchased and now his stomach was demanding a sacrifice. "Can't be helped I guess." He said. Almost as an act of defiance, his glasses seemed to tilt a bit, as if it was Eishund's way of saying "serves you right". Caelyn grinned and adjusted his glasses in his way of pushing back. "Dog, you are so stubborn! But so am I." Caelyn burst into laughter. He looked up and saw an elderly couple in the inn lobby just staring at him. "Oh come on! How does this keep happening!? I am not crazy. I am talking to my Natrelmon thank you very much!" Caelyn noticed his volume and cleared his throat. "Right, terribly sorry." He offered a small smile and a very fiery red face. He noticed the two other trainers in the lobby conversing and blushed harder. His glasses shifted again and he could feel Eishund's glare. Caelyn walked up over to the group to escape the more embarrassing scene before it unfolded. "Hi, my name is Caelyn. Wow is that a Kohitsuji? It's beautiful."