[i] The year is 3900 BBY, over 1000 years since the Great Hyperspace War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, ending in the defeat of the Sith Empire on the Second Battle of Korriban and appearing to have bested the Sith Empire, scattering and destroying the remaining survivors of this dark Empire. Of course, as suspected by many within the Republic chain of command, the Sith were not gone for good, too many were unaccounted for, especially notable figures such as Naga Sadow himself, and his personal Massassi warriors. For this reason, the Galactic Republic tasked one of its more talented intelligence officers with assembling a task force that was capable of tracking down these remenants and dispatching them, or holding them in place long enough for an emergency force of the nearest military vessels to arrive and obliterate the holdings of the surviving Sith Empire warriors and command. With this taskforce given respectable leeway and funding, the Galactic Republic figured it was safe from the Sith Empire regrouping enough to be a threat, and for nearly 1100 years, it worked, new generations of intelligence and military operators assigned to this taskforce to ensure the Sith Empire remained scattered, and holdouts were gone. However, at the dawn of the year 3900 BBY, a disturbing event occurred that tipped off the Republic Anti-Sith taskforce something was missed, something big. A well patrolled, but distant, system went silent, no Republic channels registering any response when updates were requested. Scouts from the taskforce arrived to find the Republic stronghold obliterated, and the system competely sacked. However, corpses bearing the sigils of the old Sith Empire were found, although they were clearly only missed due to their locations. The scouts sent reports back to the main body of the Taskforce, who were deeply disturbed by this turn of events. The damage to the Republic outpost didn't match any known siege weapons or tactics, Sith or otherwise, which meant it was something new, or unknown. Said weapon apparently could vaporize such a fortified location without giving them a chance to defend themselves. Such attacks, in varying degrees, became more common in the outskirts of Republic space, and even ships in transit were not safe, ships in hyperspace coming out in pieces, clearly hit by powerful munitions. Whatever the Sith had now, the Republic was reliant on its Taskforce to find what is causing all this, and a means to strike against this newfound threat against the Galactic Republic. [/i] --- In short, this RP is based during the Old Republic era of the Star Wars universe, specifically well after the Great Hyperspace War, set during some of the interim years other canon events did not occur, giving free reign to do a lot more. In short, players would be free to play members of this old Sith Empire hold out, and would be privvy to more details on the superweapon, while the Republic Taskforce (Lacks a name at the moment, I'll fix that if enough interest for an OOC is gathered) would have their own advantages, including more up to date equipment and gear (Initially, at any rate) than the Sith Empire would, in larger amounts at any rate. In short, this would be episodic, with downtime between episodes for off duty character development. Each episode would end in a variety of ways, depending on the actions of the PC's of both sides, and no promises a clear cut victor will always exist from episode to episode. So, anyone interested? Or have any questions, comments, concerns, whatever might be coming to mind that I can address, if at all possible?