[i]"...WAIT, WHY ME?"[/i] Torie asked himself in his head as Blaze picked him up, flew him over the dark mage, and then dropped him like a sack of rocks. The air made him feel uneasy...now he felt like he knew what Iggy felt like on the train. Except with the souls of the damned instead of trains. Much more cozy. His feeling of unease only multiplied as he saw Blaze start getting swallowed up by the darkness, he felt like time was slowing around him as he saw her start getting pulled more into the black pool of hands. He wished that she could have come up with a better plan, and, seeing the face of the man who'd caused all this trouble turned all his queasiness, unease, and worries into nothing more than anger and adrenaline once more. Balling his hand into a fist as he fell closer, Torie formed panels over his arm, forming an octagonal solid block around his hand. [b]"Barrier Magic..."[/b] Torie slammed his octagonal-mace-hand-thing into the dark mage's face, literally throwing his entire weight behind the punch to the side of the guy's face. [b]"SIGISMUND!"[/b] Putting all his force into the punch, Torie simply hoped that he could knock the guy out and stop the spell before his guild mates got eaten by a bunch of hands and blackness.